What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Walking trips are short in the UK-5057

Walking trips are short in the UK

The 2013 Travel Survey conducted in England collected seven-day travel diaries from 6,830 households. Walking and driving or riding in a car were the most frequently named modes of travel (86% of all trips). The number of trips made by people 16 years and older increased with age until individuals reached their forties, then the number began to decline.



Sedentary older adults improve function by walking-5056

Sedentary older adults improve function by walking

Recognizing that sedentary older adults may not go to a gym, a team in Italy developed a walking program that could be held in many community settings. The program consisted of walking plus balance and lower-body strength exercises held twice a week over four months.


Physical wellness

Physical activity leads to longer life in older adults with diabetes-5054

Physical activity leads to longer life in older adults with diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a term that includes all forms of diabetes (World Health Organization).



Financial goals and education improve money management-5052

Financial goals and education improve money management

Financial literacy is the ability to manage money and make informed financial decisions. For just over one year, a curriculum to develop financial capability was delivered to approximately 2,775 people through 11 organizations in the United States. A survey completed by 427 participants at six months showed that before the classes, 22% were “very worried” about their finances.


Economics of aging

Prevalence of Alzheimer's and dementia linked to healthy hearts-5050

Prevalence of Alzheimer's and dementia linked to healthy hearts

At the recent Alzheimer's Association International Conference, studies reported on estimates of prevalence (the number of total cases) as well as incidence (the number of new cases) of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Overall, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is expected to grow globally along with the aging populations. However, the rate of growth appears to be slowing in developed countries.


Cognitive health

Interest in health ratchets up a notch among older adults-5049

Interest in health ratchets up a notch among older adults

To track the attitudes of people in middle ages along with those of younger people, the United States of Aging survey compared results from this year to 2013, the first year the survey was fielded.


Market research

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