What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

For women, drinking milk may slow the progress of osteoarthritis-4756

For women, drinking milk may slow the progress of osteoarthritis

The knee is a common site of osteoarthritis, the wearing away of cartilage that protects the joints, resulting in pain and disability. A group of researchers realized the drinking milk helped maintain bone health, but they wondered if milk consumption would affect the progression of osteoarthritis.



Physical activity maintains the mobility that maintains independence-4754

Physical activity maintains the mobility that maintains independence

Mobility can be defined as the ability to move from one place to another, whether by walking or using an assistive device, such as a wheelchair (Webber, Porter & Menec, The Gerontologist (2010)50(4):443-450).


Health promotion

Technology may help reduce social isolation-4752

Technology may help reduce social isolation

A small group of 17 people, average age 87, who lived in a residential care home due to physical limitations were introduced to software they could use for three different activities: leisure games, a journal editing tool and an intuitive emailing device.


Social wellness

That credit card debt makes us depressed-4750

That credit card debt makes us depressed

“Unsecured” debt, such as money owed on credit cards or for medical bills, is not based on an asset, such as a house or car, that the lender can collect in case of a default. A questionnaire was completed by 5,817 people 51 years and older in the United States; among them, 30% had unsecured debt.


Economics of aging

Social engagement improves life among residents in assisted living-4749

Social engagement improves life among residents in assisted living

Does it matter if social connections occur inside or outside an assisted living residence? An analysis of information from 150 residents in assisted living, average age 82.8 years, found that residents with more severe functional disability received significant psychological benefit from interpersonal contacts and social activity within the facility.


Social wellness

Mindful exercise improves well-being for people with dementia-4744

Mindful exercise improves well-being for people with dementia

Designed for people with dementia, the Happy Antics program began by showing participants a picture of an object while the instructor spoke briefly about it. Participants were encouraged to discuss the object and ask questions. This activity was followed by exercises incorporating principles of tai chi, yoga, qigong and dance. Each session ended with a short, guided meditation activity that focused on breathing and mindful awareness.


Cognitive health

Total items: 2686

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