What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

At older ages, it's hard to let go of possessions-4654

At older ages, it's hard to let go of possessions

How easy is it for you to toss out the things you have accumulated over the years? To discover how people felt about their possessions, the responses of 1,814 people 50 years and older participating in the Health and Retirement Study (2010) were analyzed.


Attitudes & perceptions

Saving in retirement accounts leads to financial confidence-4653

Saving in retirement accounts leads to financial confidence

The Retirement Confidence Survey tracks the perceptions of 1,000 workers 25 years and older in the United States. Compared to perceptions in 2013, the proportion of people who are very confident in having enough money for a comfortable retirement increased to 18% (an increase of five percentage points) and 37% are somewhat confident of sufficient funds. Not surprisingly, confidence is most prevalent among people with high household incomes. However, confidence also was expressed by people who contributed to a retirement savings plan.


Economics of aging

Reminiscence group with children has positive effect-4652

Reminiscence group with children has positive effect

To explore the value of mixing youth with older adults in a group reminiscence program, 32 older adults and 114 students met for about six hours over three weeks in small groups of two elders and six to eight youngsters.


Emotional wellness

Exercise plus music reduces anxiety, improves cognition-4650

Exercise plus music reduces anxiety, improves cognition

Among 134 people who were 65 years and older and had an increased risk of falling, 55 individuals were randomly assigned to participate in a one-hour per week exercise class that was accompanied by piano music.


Cognitive health

Older adults have trillions to spend, and companies aren't ready-4646

Older adults have trillions to spend, and companies aren't ready

The global population is aging, and along with them comes spending power. By the end of this decade, global spending by older adults could reach US $15 trillion, according to a source quoted in a new report by Nielsen. Yet, older adults responding to an online survey said they can’t always find the products they are interested in, packaged in a way that’s helpful.


Economics of aging

Number of volunteers is decreasing-4645

Number of volunteers is decreasing

In the United States, the pool of people who volunteered ebbed between 2002 and 2013, declining 1.1 percentage points. There were 62.6 million people volunteering in 2013. Women volunteered more frequently than men: individuals ages 35- to 44-year-olds were most likely to volunteer (30.6%).


Vocational wellness

Total items: 2686

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