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Topic- Economics of aging


Older adults are spending, but cautiously-4121

Older adults are spending, but cautiously

Among 2,017 people ages 18 and older responding to a telephone survey in the United States, 26% said they were spending more money in recent months than they used to; 32% were spending the same amount, and 41% reported spending less than they used to.


Economics of aging

Added together, boomer spending will reach billions-4057

Added together, boomer spending will reach billions

The market of boomers, people born 1946-1964, has gained the attention of many types of companies not traditionally targeting “older” adults because of the size of the population. The US Census estimated there were 78.2 million people in the boomer age cohort in 2006. Pulling data from a number of proprietary market reports, a research company projected that the buying power of boomers in the United States will continue to grow.


Economics of aging

Calculators and advisors encourage retirement savings-4042

Calculators and advisors encourage retirement savings

People who guess at how much money they will need for a comfortable retirement are not as likely to choose an adequate amount of money to save compared to people who use the services of a financial advisor or fill out an online calculator.


Economics of aging

Exercise slows functional decline from Alzheimer's disease-3659

Exercise slows functional decline from Alzheimer's disease

As cognitive skills decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease, so does the ability to function in everyday activities. To determine how effective physical activity could be on the functional abilities of people with Alzheimer’s disease, the Finnish Alzheimer Disease Exercise Trial, a randomized controlled study, was designed to compare different approaches to providing exercise.


Economics of aging

Caregiving drives billion dollar cost for dementia-3634

Caregiving drives billion dollar cost for dementia


Economics of aging

Saved enough for retirement? Working people aren't so sure-3626

Saved enough for retirement? Working people aren't so sure

People in the United States are constantly being reminded that they need to save for retirement. Are Americans listening?


Economics of aging

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