What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Density and walkability combine to lower diabetes risk-4561

Density and walkability combine to lower diabetes risk

Residential density and the proximity of walkable destinations were estimated for neighborhoods in Toronto, Canada, a city that is home to 2.6 million people.



Try color coding to encourage healthy eating-4559

Try color coding to encourage healthy eating

Food labels can be confusing, so researchers tried a new approach. Color-coded labels that mimicked traffic lights (green for the healthiest items, such as fruits, vegetables and lean sources of protein; yellow for less healthy items; and red for those with little or no nutritional value) were applied to foods offered in a cafeteria. In addition, the food was arranged to place the healthier foods more prominently and in easy reach.


Health promotion

Wireless monitoring technology accepted, but hard to measure return-4558

Wireless monitoring technology accepted, but hard to measure return

Wireless monitoring, where information is sent through air waves, can follow a person’s movements if sensors are placed throughout a home or send blood pressure readings to a physician. A survey was answered by professionals responding to a questionnaire from a senior living trade publication and a technology company that sells wireless monitoring systems.



In US, spending for health care slows-4556

In US, spending for health care slows

Health care spending in the United States grew at a rate of 3.7% in 2012 to $2.8 trillion, according to a new analysis from the Office of the Actuary at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Personal health care spending (health care goods and services), which accounted for 85% of total national health spending, increased by 3.9% in 2012, largely influenced by faster growth in hospital and physician and clinical services.


Economics of aging

Number of centenarians keeps increasing-4554

Number of centenarians keeps increasing

In Ontario, which is Canada’s largest province, there were 1,842 people ages 100 years or older in 2010. In 1995, there were 1,069 people 100 years or older.



Fastest-growing occupations are in home health and therapies-4551

Fastest-growing occupations are in home health and therapies

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics just released the 2014–15 Occupational Outlook Handbook, which includes job profiles and employment projections.


Career development

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