What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Better health and well-being by eating Mediterranean-4421

Better health and well-being by eating Mediterranean

The Mediterranean eating pattern emphasizes vegetables, fruit and whole grains, low intake of dairy products, fish and poultry, and limited intake of red meat.



Uncovering the risks of activity limitations from arthritis-4420

Uncovering the risks of activity limitations from arthritis

For the National Health Interview Survey (2010-2012), US adults reported whether a doctor had diagnosed them with arthritis, and if their activities were limited because of arthritis. Over one-fifth (22.7% or 52.5 million) of respondents 18 years and older said they had doctor-diagnosed arthritis, including 49.7% of adults 65 years and older. Prevalence of arthritis was high among people with heart disease (49.0%) and diabetes (47.3%).



Trauma lingers after major floods subside-4419

Trauma lingers after major floods subside

Before and after a flood, 274 people 60 years and older completed surveys. People personally affected by the flood (21.2%) reported higher levels of post-traumatic stress disorder compared to those who were not personally affected.


Mental health

Stereotype of older people based in their work-4418

Stereotype of older people based in their work

Curious as to why older people were considered competent in some countries but not in others, two researchers examined data from 28 countries in the European Social Survey.


Attitudes & perceptions

Gardening and chores may lower risk of heart disease-4416

Gardening and chores may lower risk of heart disease

Physical activity is defined as movement that increases energy expenditure (housework, washing the car) while exercise is planned, progressive physical activity with the goal of developing physical fitness (ICAA Functional Levels).


Cardiovascular health

Volunteering and productive activities are good for health-4415

Volunteering and productive activities are good for health

Aging is associated with a chronic, low-grade inflammation that increases the risk for disease and poor physical functioning. The C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of chronic inflammation.


Vocational wellness

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