What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

For depression, exercise is as effective as other therapies-4413

For depression, exercise is as effective as other therapies

A meta-analysis of 35 studies including 1,356 people with depression compared exercise interventions with a control group or no treatment.


Emotional wellness

Moderate exercise may prevent episodes of depression-4411

Moderate exercise may prevent episodes of depression

A literature review found 30 studies that looked at the relationships between depression and physical activity at a minimum of two time points.


Emotional wellness

Empty nests fill up quickly once kids move away-4410

Empty nests fill up quickly once kids move away

“Empty nester” is the colloquial term used to describe parents whose children have permanently moved out of their home. An online survey was conducted among 509 people, ages 40-70, who were empty-nesters.



Difficulty breathing?  Try yoga-4409

Difficulty breathing? Try yoga

Chronic Obstructive Coronary Disease (COPD), such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema, makes it more difficult to breathe.


Health conditions

Older adults in Canada log onto the Internet-4408

Older adults in Canada log onto the Internet

The majority (83%) of Canadians 16 years and older used the Internet for personal reasons in 2012, an increase from 80% in 2010. The percentage increase was due, in part, to people 65 years and older.



In the workplace, pedometers and group counseling increase activity-4407

In the workplace, pedometers and group counseling increase activity

Among employers in the United States who offer benefits, 77% offered at least one wellness program in 2013 (Kaiser Family Foundation ). http://kff.org/private-insurance/report/2013-employer-health-benefits/ Common among the wellness benefits were exercise and weight loss programs.



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