What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Steps per day decline with age-4392

Steps per day decline with age

While many people use pedometers to count the number of steps they take, scientists tend to use accelerometers to measure the acceleration, or speed, of an object because accelerometers are more sensitive to lower speeds. Recognizing that accelerometers are more accurate than pedometers, researchers sought to measure steps among older adults by converting the data.



Sources of loneliness among older adults-4391

Sources of loneliness among older adults

Feelings of loneliness can result from a lack of social contact. Researchers wondered if loneliness was related to urinary incontinence, a medical condition that often causes embarrassment and a restriction of daily activities.


Emotional wellness

A memory test makes older adults feel older-4389

A memory test makes older adults feel older

Assumptions and stereotypes about the memory of older adults abound, most noticeably in the oft-heard words “senior moments.” Would drawing attention to memory and cognitive skills make a person feel older?


Attitudes & perceptions

Working longer, older adults feel age is an asset-4388

Working longer, older adults feel age is an asset

A national survey was conducted among 1,024 US adults ages 50 and over. Post-recession, respondents’ average age at retirement was 62 years, compared to the 57 years reported by survey respondents before the recession.


Vocational wellness

How much exercise can prevent falls?-4387

How much exercise can prevent falls?

Following a literature review, the results of 31 studies examining the role of exercise in relation to falls for people 60 years and older living in the community were analyzed. The analysis indicated that exercise interventions conducted for a minimum of one hour/week for 40 hours were successful in reducing the incidence of falls.


Falls management

Call to address the mental health of older adults-4385

Call to address the mental health of older adults

The theme of World Mental Health Day 2013 was “Mental health and older adults.” As noted by the World Health Organization, over 20% of people 60 years and older suffer from a mental or neurological disorder, the most common being depression and dementia (excluding headache disorders).


Mental health

Total items: 2692

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