What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

More lifestyle risk factors mean more physical disability-4383

More lifestyle risk factors mean more physical disability

A risk factor is any attribute, characteristic or exposure that increases the chance of developing a disease or injury (World Health Organization). Once again, the relationship between lifestyle choices and physical health has been established by looking at controllable risk factors.


Health promotion

For some heart conditions, exercise may be as valuable as drugs-4381

For some heart conditions, exercise may be as valuable as drugs

Although exercise has many health benefits, many people tend to reach for medications rather than put on workout shoes. Recognizing the rise in prescriptions, a team of researchers decided to see how exercise compared to drugs among people who already had an illness.


Cardiovascular health

The financial value of longer lives, with less disability-4379

The financial value of longer lives, with less disability

Healthy life expectancy, meaning the years a person can expect to live in good health, may be more important to most people than life expectancy, the years a person may live. Earlier this year, analyses in ICAA Research Review showed that lifestyle choices often led to “longer lives with less health” (13[26] July 2013) and that disability was most common in the last two years of life (13[24] July 2013).


Public policy

Animal-assisted therapy eases agitation from dementia-4377

Animal-assisted therapy eases agitation from dementia

A group of 65 residents with dementia, average age 81.8 years, who lived in a nursing home were randomly assigned to receive animal-assisted therapy plus usual care, or usual care. Their behaviour was rated by observers and they were assessed using several instruments.


Health conditions

Number of fractures from osteoporosis rising in Europe-4375

Number of fractures from osteoporosis rising in Europe

According to the results of a model estimating the burden of osteoporotic fractures in 2010, approximately 22 million women and 5.5 million men in 27 member states of the European Union (EU27) had osteoporosis;


Economics of aging

For nonagenarians, strength training aids function-4373

For nonagenarians, strength training aids function

A small group of individuals, average age 91.9, participated in a strength, balance and gait training program twice a week for 12 weeks.


Functional training

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