What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Market opportunities


Tech Talk: AARP showcases age-tech at CES 2020-7736

Tech Talk: AARP showcases age-tech at CES 2020

AARP highlighted age-tech at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show, held January 7-10 in Las Vegas. In a detailed press release, the organization describes initiatives to promote startups in the field, programs underway, and products potentially suitable for the active-aging market. Of note, AARP launched the Alcove ™ playground, a developer ecosystem that makes it easy to build or integrate virtual reality experiences into the AARP VR platform, and collaborated with Games for Change on a challenge aimed at motivating developers to create VR experiences that might enhance quality of life for older adults. Products introduced include a neuromodulation wearable that uses pulsed light and sound to potentially reduce chronic severe pain, and an intelligent bracelet that can help a user feel colder or warmer. Read the press release and also check out AARP's innovation labs page for more details on products and collaborations.


Market opportunities

How much seniors housing will be needed going forward?-7727

How much seniors housing will be needed going forward?

NIC has uncovered some complex interactions between occupancy and rent growth in assisted living property markets, with implications for evaluating the attractiveness of a market for seniors housing investment or development. Its latest report investigates a four-year window - from 3Q 2015 through 3Q 2019 - in 31 primary markets, both in aggregate and individually. It delves deeply into factors affecting both strong performance and deceleration and provides useful insights for organizations considering expanding, consolidating, merging, etc. The freely available white paper highlights key trends.


Market opportunities

Tech Talk: Digital health tech products unveiled at CES 2020-7682

Tech Talk: Digital health tech products unveiled at CES 2020

MobiHealthNews, one of my favorite sources for tech events and innovations, offered a peek at health tech devices and software featured at CES 2020 (January 7-10 in Las Vegas). A number of the featured products are relevant to active-aging communities and centers, and some may even appear in ICAA's Journal on Active Aging's upcoming technology issue.


Market opportunities

First-time marathoners cut vascular age by four years-7670

First-time marathoners cut vascular age by four years

Even if you support regular physical activities among your constituents, you may hesitate to encourage embarking on a first-time marathon, or to embark on one yourself. But a new study shows that for first-time marathon runners, training and completion of the marathon was associated with reductions in blood pressure and aortic stiffening that were equivalent to a four-year reduction in vascular age, with the greatest benefits seen in older, slower male marathon runners with higher baseline blood pressure.


Market opportunities

Marketers: Are you

Marketers: Are you "stumped" by social media?

Global market research company WARC explores recent research suggesting that marketers are unable to show how the use of social media benefits their businesses. WARC notes that a recent Forrester report (not available online) covered in the marketing news publication "Campaign" states "social media stumps marketers. First, they had unrealistic expectations of social media, hoping it would be the key to unlocking massive profits in the digital age. When that didn't pan out, they shifted 180 degrees to believing that social media's only use was for advertising. Although it's true that Facebook's primary business value is as an advertising platform, it's a mistake to infer that advertising is social media's sole opportunity."


Market opportunities

Tech Talk: Juniper's top 10 tech trends for 2020-7567

Tech Talk: Juniper's top 10 tech trends for 2020

Juniper Research has taken a deep dive into tech trends for 2020, and both the slide deck and white paper are worth reviewing. Several trends are especially relevant to the active-aging industry. For example, the researchers found that the consumer robotics market - including social robots - may be poised to grow with the use of a subscription model. What will this mean for homes and organizations? Privacy concerns regarding voice assistants in smart homes will be addressed, the report says, and more local processing power will improve the customer experience. Also, of interest: Google is expected to leverage Fitbit (which it recently acquired) to mount a challenge to the Apple Watch. On the entertainment side, Netflix is expected to produce and air more localized, tailored content. Does this represent an opportunity for the industry?


Market opportunities

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