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Topic- Marketing


Creative Effectiveness Ladder toolkit for marketers launches-8297

Creative Effectiveness Ladder toolkit for marketers launches

Market research firm WARC and Lions Live, an initiative of Cannes Lion, have produced a revealing white paper on creative effectiveness and a toolkit for marketers who want to explore and implement the creative effectiveness ladder. It's not just for creatives in the film industry! The toolkit, white paper and explanatory video dive into strategies that can be adapted to any industry, with some tweaking. It includes in-depth advice on campaigns to change behavior and build brands, among others, built mainly around setting objectives, asking the right questions, and implementing appropriate tools to build sales, market share and return on investment. At the least, reviewing these materials is likely to open a window on new approaches and spark creative thinking.



Tech Talk: Global insights on use of the internet, mobile, social media, more-7775

Tech Talk: Global insights on use of the internet, mobile, social media, more

Social media giant Hootsuite has produced a detailed global report and companion global yearbook that provide hundreds of pages of data and insights on the state of the internet, mobile devices, social media and ecommerce, as well as snapshots of digital engagement in more than 220 countries and territories around the world.



Age representation online needs fixing-7474

Age representation online needs fixing

Not surprisingly, recent research from AARP reveals that adults ages 50+ often are not depicted in online images, and when they are, they are more likely to be shown in a negative light than are younger people.



Stats: Podcasts deliver 89% brand awareness boost-7455

Stats: Podcasts deliver 89% brand awareness boost

Branded podcasts are a "powerful addition to the marketing mix," according to a multi-continent study commissioned by BBC StoryWorks-BBC Global News and carried out by neuroscience researchers at Neuro-Insight.



Secrets of creating viral YouTube ads revealed-7197

Secrets of creating viral YouTube ads revealed

YouTube, a media channel where millions of users create and share billions of videos without charge, has also become a key platform for advertisers, according to researchers from the University of Southern California, University of Houston, and Uber Technologies, Inc.



Generation gap shrinks for customer expectations-6818

Generation gap shrinks for customer expectations

A survey from telecommunications company Genesys found that when it comes to customer service, "people unite across age groups in their shared dislikes; everyone hates being put on hold and getting incorrect information."



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