What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Yoga may relieve insomnia for menopausal women-4371

Yoga may relieve insomnia for menopausal women

As the background in a study reports, many women experience insomnia during menopause. They also feel the rush of body heat known as hot flashes and night sweats. To investigate if nonpharmaceutical approaches could relieve symptoms, 249 healthy, previously sedentary women were assigned to participate in yoga, a moderate aerobic exercise program, or usual activity.


Physical wellness

Sometimes knowledge makes up for slower decision making-4369

Sometimes knowledge makes up for slower decision making

How well do older adults make decisions? As background to a new study states, “depending on the study, older adults make worse, equally good, or even better decisions than younger adults.”


Cognitive health

Decision making becomes inconsistent at older ages-4368

Decision making becomes inconsistent at older ages

Previous research by a team of investigators showed that attitudes about risk follow an inverted U-shaped curve throughout the lifespan: Both elders and adolescents are more risk averse than their midlife counterparts. Would age-related changes in cognitive function impact financial decisions?


Cognitive health

Ease knee osteoarthritis with diet plus exercise-4367

Ease knee osteoarthritis with diet plus exercise

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, results when the cartilage cushioning the bones breaks down (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Pain and stiffness can result. The knee is a common site of osteoarthritis.



Older adults teach older adults to use technology-4365

Older adults teach older adults to use technology

The Technology and Aging Project was conceived to teach older adults the skills they needed to use computers, use the Internet, and link to webcams, cell phones and other technologies.



Memory care important for large senior living companies-4363

Memory care important for large senior living companies

Among the 100 largest not-for-profit companies in senior living, nearly 90% offer memory care


Market research

Total items: 2692

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