What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Specific activities appeal to people feeling psychological distress-4361

Specific activities appeal to people feeling psychological distress

Can physical activity help relieve the symptoms of people with psychological distress? A mail survey was conducted among 7,873 people ages 42-67 who were asked about their preferences for 14 physical activities.


Attitudes & perceptions

Green space environments help lower risk of diabetes-4341

Green space environments help lower risk of diabetes

Green spaces include parks and other open areas that may encourage active lifestyles, explain the authors of a new study. The results of an earlier release from the study found that people 45 years and over who lived in areas with more than 20% green space within a 1 kilometer (3,280 feet or 0.6 mile) radius of their homes were significantly more likely to walk and participate in moderate-to-vigorous physical activities (British Journal of Sports Medicine, April 2013). They were curious to find out if access to green spaces was associated with a lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes.


Environmental wellness

After retirement, lifestyles and money intertwine-4340

After retirement, lifestyles and money intertwine

The influence of money on life after retirement is the focus of a cross-national survey. An earlier survey found that 58% of working age respondents wished to spend more time with their families and 40% wanted to travel once they retired.


Economics of aging

New index tracks aging populations around the world-4339

New index tracks aging populations around the world

The results of the new Global AgeWatch Index 2013 have been released. The index is said to be the first quantitative measure of its kind to focus on the well-being of older people on a worldwide scale.


Public policy

Good neighbors may lower risk of stroke-4337

Good neighbors may lower risk of stroke

Background to a new study explains that over three decades, research has shown that neighborhood factors such as violence, noise, traffic, litter and poor air quality can increase poor health. Would the opposite also occur? To explore if positive characteristics impact health, researchers looked at the effect of “neighborhood social cohesion,” the trust in and connection with neighbors, in relation to stroke.


Cardiovascular health

Is there a perfect age?-4336

Is there a perfect age?

For an online survey, 2,242 adults were asked: "If you could skip time and live forever in good health at a particular age, what age would you like to live at?"


Market segments

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