What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Topic- Health promotion


Pedometers bolster results of a Green Prescription-3257

Pedometers bolster results of a Green Prescription

The Green Prescription is written by a primary care provider to include physical activity as part of a person’s health management plan, explains the New Zealand Ministry of Health. Individuals can try to be more active on their own, or receive support through monthly phone calls, group meetings or one-to-one meetings.


Health promotion

Information and emails lead to small changes in body weight-3168

Information and emails lead to small changes in body weight

The Physical Activity and Nutrition for Seniors (PANS) intervention targeted people ages 60-70 years old who were insufficiently active. The program was outlined for participants in a booklet with information and tools to encourage physical activity and healthy eating.


Health promotion

Signs reminding people to take the stairs just may work-3058

Signs reminding people to take the stairs just may work


Health promotion

Mass media may inspire positive changes in nutrition-2924

Mass media may inspire positive changes in nutrition


Health promotion

Memories, plans and lots of support increase positive health behaviors-2921

Memories, plans and lots of support increase positive health behaviors

Three studies recently found that people can use positive affect (a mild, happy feeling) and self-affirmation to help them make and sustain behavior change. The studies were developed simultaneously so that the same intervention, with some customization, could be applied to different people with one unifying factor: a chronic health condition.


Health promotion

Sell exercise with short-term benefits-2793

Sell exercise with short-term benefits

The benefits of physical activity are well-known, and public health messages promoting a goal of exercising for good health have been aimed at older adults in recent years. To better understand the reasons why—or why not—people engaged in exercise, a research team sought to uncover how exercise participation related to superordinate goals, defined by the researchers as the values that explain why an individual aims for the focal goal, in this case, exercise.


Health promotion

Total items: 137

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