What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Attitudes & perceptions


Everyday activities may bring happiness to older adults-4629

Everyday activities may bring happiness to older adults

To discover how life events affected feelings of happiness at different ages, researchers conducted eight studies. Participants were asked to recall, plan or imagine happy experiences that occurred during common and frequent ordinary events, such as spending time with others or completing a home project, versus infrequent extraordinary events, such as travel or a life milestone.


Attitudes & perceptions

Worries about retirement may depend on age-4591

Worries about retirement may depend on age

In Canada, an online survey was answered by 2,014 people ages 18 years and older. Among all respondents, 31% felt their retirement years would be better than those experienced by earlier generations, 32% said they would be similar and 36% believed their years would be worse.


Attitudes & perceptions

Your view on population aging depends on where you live-4582

Your view on population aging depends on where you live

There are 7.2 billion people worldwide, and global population will continue to grow. Leading the countries with the largest proportion of people ages 65 years and older are Japan and Monaco (24%), Germany and Italy (21%) (Population Reference Bureau). Farther down the list are Canada (14%) and the United States (13%). According to background in a new report, the global population of people ages 65 and older is expected to triple to 1.5 billion by mid-century. Is this a concern?


Attitudes & perceptions

Older adults and professionals differ on home care needs-4547

Older adults and professionals differ on home care needs

The needs of people in Australia who apply for government subsidies for care in the community are assessed by professionals. The unmet needs requested by 55 community-dwelling older adults and their caregivers were compared to the unmet needs identified during the assessment by the professionals.


Attitudes & perceptions

Family, eating and giving are top holiday choices in Canada-4450

Family, eating and giving are top holiday choices in Canada

Indicating what they liked or didn’t like about the holidays in an online poll,


Attitudes & perceptions

Older adults likely to give back to others during the holidays-4449

Older adults likely to give back to others during the holidays

A poll was conducted among 1,021 US residents 18 years and older who participate in an online panel.


Attitudes & perceptions

Total items: 187

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