What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Motion capture for creating metaverse avatars launches-9474

Tech Talk: Motion capture for creating metaverse avatars launches

Sony has released a mobile motion capture "mocopi" that uses lightweight sensors to transmit real-time motion input to a smartphone, creating virtual reality avatars that move at the same time and in the same way that the user does. Users attach small sensors to their head, both wrists, hips, and both ankles with a Velcro band or clip, connecting them via Bluetooth to Sony's smartphone app. With that motion capture data, the user can either export the motion capture as an MP4 video, or directly translate movements into compatible apps, such as VRChat, which is partnering with Sony for the product launch.

SOURCE: Sony (November 29, 2022).



Designing societies that benefit all generations: Roadmap-9462

Designing societies that benefit all generations: Roadmap

The success of longevity interventions is putting countries on paths to becoming aging societies, in which the number of individuals aged 65 and older is equal to the number of people aged 15 and younger. This outcome may lead to resistance to investments in healthy longevity, according to aging experts, if concerns are raised that the needs of older individuals will overwhelm societies, exacerbate ageism, and divide populations.



NIH releases 2022 dementia research progress report-9455

NIH releases 2022 dementia research progress report

The US National Institutes on Health has released its 2022 scientific progress report on dementia research. The report features science advances and related efforts between March 2021 and early 2022 in areas in such areas as drug development and biomarkers; lifestyle, behavior and cognitive training interventions; dementia care and caregiver support; and health disparities. It's a must-read or reference publication for senior living and dementia-care staff.



Social connections tied to slower cognitive decline-9446

Social connections tied to slower cognitive decline

Good social connections -- i.e., living with others, weekly community group engagement, interacting weekly with family and friends, and never feeling lonely - are associated with slower cognitive decline, according to a recent global study. Active-aging professionals may intuitively know this, but having an evidence base is important.


Social isolation

Linking earned media to action: PR power white paper-9429

Linking earned media to action: PR power white paper

Onclusive, a New York City-based analytic platform to support public relations and communications teams, has published a whitepaper detailing the findings of its PR Attribution data study. The study "uncovered some surprising insights into the relationships between different media attributes and desired consumer actions, which could change how communicators approach their work," the company says. Publications and marketing staff, in particular, might want to take a look, as well as anyone interested in understanding the potential value of their media efforts.



Stats: 65% of residents say robots improved dining experience-9420

Stats: 65% of residents say robots improved dining experience

Despite the challenges brought about by staffing shortages, a new white paper says that one way to bring innovation into senior living may be found in applying a high-tech solution for a high-touch impact: robot servers in the dining rooms. "The robots are intended not to replace but to work alongside humans to help address staffing challenges first experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneously to elevate the customer experience," said Kari Olson, president of FPCIW. "We're pleased that efforts to continue the use of the dining robots beyond the pilot have been supported by the communities, and we look forward to bringing this technology to other Front Porch communities."



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