What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Mental health


Massage therapy relieves depression-2126

Massage therapy relieves depression


Mental health

Too much television is bad for mental health-2119

Too much television is bad for mental health


Mental health

In middle age, inactive men may feel hopeless-2104

In middle age, inactive men may feel hopeless


Mental health

Wii games reduce depression and improve stroke rehab-2086

Wii games reduce depression and improve stroke rehab

Did the developers of Nintendo’s Wii™ gaming system predict how popular the games would become with older adults? To operate the Wii, a disc of games is inserted into a console, the game is projected on a screen and players use a handheld remote requiring them to move their arms and bodies to activate the image on the screen.


Mental health

Exercise lowers anxiety for people with chronic disease-2085

Exercise lowers anxiety for people with chronic disease

Chronic diseases have become the leading cause of death and disability around the world, notes the World Health Organization. People living with a chronic condition may have feelings of anxiety, observed the authors of a new study, and they wondered if regular exercise could reduce anxiety symptoms (feelings of worry, apprehension and nervousness).


Mental health

After retirement, well-chosen activities promote happiness-2084

After retirement, well-chosen activities promote happiness

After people retire and they no longer have the role they established in the workforce, how do they adjust? A research team in Canada looked at the relationship between the activities retirees’ choose and their happiness.


Mental health

Total items: 150

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