What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Tech Talk: E-bike use tied to less moderate-vigorous physical activity-9352

Tech Talk: E-bike use tied to less moderate-vigorous physical activity

E-bikes aren't likely to help users reach weekly moderate-to-vigorous physical activity targets, because riders tend to take fewer and less physically demanding trips than conventional cyclists, suggests a recent study. However, the researchers speculate that
e-bikes may persuade older and/or overweight people who wouldn't otherwise consider using a bike to try the e-bike.



Menopausal symptoms linked to brain health-9349

Menopausal symptoms linked to brain health

Women who experience more hot flashes and night sweats during menopause may have more of a brain biomarker called white matter hyperintensities, according to a new study. White matter hyperintensities are tiny lesions visible on brain scans that become more common with age or with uncontrolled high blood pressure. These brain biomarkers have been linked in some studies to an increased risk of stroke, Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline.


Cognitive health

Does the Mediterranean diet really reduce dementia risk?-9343

Does the Mediterranean diet really reduce dementia risk?

Neither a modified Mediterranean diet nor a conventional diet is linked to a reduced risk of dementia, a new study suggests. The Mediterranean diet includes a high intake of vegetables, legumes, fruits, fish and healthy fats such as olive oil, and a low intake of dairy products, meats and saturated fatty acids. Conventional dietary recommendations would include following the US Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelines (https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/).



Mental resilience curbs adverse effects of diabetes in older adults-9335

Mental resilience curbs adverse effects of diabetes in older adults

Psychological resilience--having attitudes and behaviors that help people bounce back after stressful challenges--may help older individuals with type 2 diabetes have fewer hospitalizations, better physical functioning, lower disability, better mental quality of life, and a lower likelihood of becoming frail, according to a recent study.



Strategy helps employers head off

Strategy helps employers head off "quiet quitting"

Companies can address "quiet quitting" by ensuring that employees spend time with other people who identify with the company, according to a study from North Carolina State University. The findings can inform everything from office layouts to assigning mentors to new employees.


Employee wellness

Strategy helps employers head off-9330

Strategy helps employers head off

Companies can address "quiet quitting" by ensuring that employees spend time with other people who identify with the company, according to a study from North Carolina State University. The findings can inform everything from office layouts to assigning mentors to new employees.



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