What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Stats: Only 48% of older adults monitor blood pressure at home-9318

Stats: Only 48% of older adults monitor blood pressure at home

Older adults with high blood pressure or a high blood pressure-related illness such as diabetes need to be educated about the importance of self blood pressure monitoring and sharing the readings with their doctor, researchers suggest. Doing so is associated with decreases in blood pressure and is cost-effective.


Physical wellness

Practical research studies inspire best practices-9248

Practical research studies inspire best practices

The Mather Institute has released a report detailing the work of its 2022 Innovative Research on Aging award winners. The report should be of interest to all active-aging professionals who want to learn more about research findings relevant to their communities and who may want to be inspired to conduct studies of their own or adopt some of the programs described in the report. The report provides snapshots of a wide range of research topics, including:



"Enormous potential" of active-adult rental properties highlighted

NIC has released a white paper that should be of interest to all active-aging industry professionals, delineating the "enormous potential" of active-adult rental properties. The white paper answers such questions as how "active adult" differs from independent family and multifamily; who is currently working in the segment, and what insights have they shared; and what are the demographics of active-adult communities.



What do potential gym members want?-9245

What do potential gym members want?

What motivating factors drive potential gym-goers toward exercise and fitness, and what keeps them going? The findings from this ABC Fitness Solutions study have implications for active-aging communities, not just gyms and health clubs. The results are gleaned from analyses of 1,500 consumers across major US markets, balanced by region, gender and age.



Struggles predicted for middle-income older adults-9243

Struggles predicted for middle-income older adults

Looking ahead, a new NORC analysis updating the original "Forgotten Middle" study finds that there will be 16 million middle-income older adults (75+) in 2033, many of whom will struggle to pay for the health, personal care, and housing services that they will need. For example, excluding home equity, nearly three-quarters of middle-income older adults in 2033 will have insufficient financial resources to pay for assisted living if they need and want it. Even with home equity, nearly 40% will not be able to afford assisted living. This could have an impact on all levels of senior living.



Stats: Advertising stereotypes rile 88% of older UK adults-9241

Stats: Advertising stereotypes rile 88% of older UK adults

People over age 50 "have been overlooked and treated as a homogenous herd for far too long," according to the MullenLowe Group, whose latest research highlights the widely differing attitudes and behaviors of this large demographic and shows the economic value in understanding and targeting them better. It's a familiar theme for the active-aging industry, but the latest stats and a compelling breakdown of the market segments make this an interesting read.



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