What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Attitudes & perceptions


What makes aging a positive experience?-3370

What makes aging a positive experience?

Is the glass half empty or half full? This well-used question refers to a person’s feelings of optimism or pessimism, which may relate to their overall attitudes toward life. Attitude is a component of how people feel as they age.


Attitudes & perceptions

Optimistic about aging; not sure about community resources-3340

Optimistic about aging; not sure about community resources

Do aging adults feel they are prepared for the coming years? What about the communities where the live? A new survey focused both on individual readiness for aging as well as older adult’s perceptions of their community’s ability to meet their needs as they age.


Attitudes & perceptions

Body dissatisfaction common in older women-3284

Body dissatisfaction common in older women

Are body image concerns and eating disorders only found among young people? Believing that little attention had been focused on women in midlife and older ages, a research team decided to ask women about their habits and feelings.


Attitudes & perceptions

Women reject stereotypes of aging-3276

Women reject stereotypes of aging


Attitudes & perceptions

Age perceptions may increase risk of dementia diagnosis-3269

Age perceptions may increase risk of dementia diagnosis

According to the World Health Organization, 35.6 million people globally have dementia, and there are 7.7 million new cases every year. Dementia is a loss of thinking skills.


Attitudes & perceptions

Ageist attitudes increase with age-3238

Ageist attitudes increase with age


Attitudes & perceptions

Total items: 187

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