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Topic- Motivation


Successful aging: the critical ingredients by Michael R. Mantell, PhD-4343

Successful aging: the critical ingredients by Michael R. Mantell, PhD

In the words of Walter M. Bortz, II, MD, “Longevity is neither an accident nor an isolated phenomenon. It is a product of specific healthy behaviors, a direct consequence of health maintenance.” How do you help clients—and yourself—live to age 100? The formula Bortz and his followers suggest is consistent with age-old wisdom and contemporary science.



Motivational understanding by Michael R. Mantell, PhD-4138

Motivational understanding by Michael R. Mantell, PhD

My heart was touched recently in my favorite local deli in San Diego. No, it wasn’t the Reuben sandwich I treat myself to once a month, nor was it the sour pickles. It was an unexpected birthday party that I found so moving. “Would everyone please join us in celebrating Mary’s 102nd birthday?” the hostess’s voice sang out. I looked up and there was Mary, sitting next to her husband and beaming with excitement, joy and fulfillment. .. Of course, I asked her what she called “the million-dollar question”: “What’s your secret to your longevity and obvious happiness?” “Son,” she replied, “I choose to be happy, and regardless of any interferences, I’ve always been active.” ... How did these exemplary role models become, and apparently stay, motivated to choose happiness and remain focused on being active, when behavior change is so difficult and takes so long for so many? Part of the answer lies in understanding not only the generations that people come from, but also the key models that can explain the success and failure of change efforts.



Seven barriers to life span engagement: health and well-being across generations and natural physical environments by Randy T. Eady, MEd, NCC-1283

Seven barriers to life span engagement: health and well-being across generations and natural physical environments by Randy T. Eady, MEd, NCC

Oftentimes, when I speak at a conference or present three-Bs seminars (breathing, balance and bilateral coordination), I begin with a demystification of what tai chi does to bring body, mind and spirit together in a movement meditation. All the while, I underscore why these holistic considerations are so important for both ends of the age spectrum, as well as special needs groups. Curiously, we find ourselves in a culture that simultaneously promotes and glorifies fitness while restricting access to quality physical education and good information on holistic principles.



Creating a motivational environment  by Lisa McLellan-1131

Creating a motivational environment by Lisa McLellan

By making healthy lifestyle choices every day, older adults can prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease or simply manage it better; manage or reduce pain and the need for medication; keep the mind stimulated and productive; as well as greatly enhance energy and vitality. Now which older adult wouldn’t want that?

Most do, but they don’t know how. Or, they lack the motivation and the discipline to start, or to continue healthy choices. Many people simply don't believe they need to make any effort. These factors are serious stumbling blocks to making prevention a way of life and realizing the potentially life-altering results a healthy lifestyle helps procure—both on an individual and collective level.



Build excitement for a walking club  by Suzanne Dallefeld-1127

Build excitement for a walking club by Suzanne Dallefeld

Many of the people living in the Atria Evergreen Woods community walk during the day, but the walking club attracted only a small number of residents, and they lost interest quickly. What would make the walking club more enticing?

The club gained a new life by adding the Walk America theme. In addition to providing goals for physical activity, the theme involves the intellectual skills and creativity of club members through geography, crafts and photography, and is the perfect place for reminiscence as we walk from place to place.



Best practices in promoting physical activity by Patricia Ryan, MS-1110

Best practices in promoting physical activity by Patricia Ryan, MS

When it comes to quality of life, it’s hard to imagine anything more powerful, accessible and inexpensive than physical activity. Important throughout the lifespan, older adults particularly benefit from physical movement.

Functional independence, falls prevention, bone health, cardiovascular health and prevention or management of chronic disease leap to mind as benefits. There are psychological advantages, too, such as feeling better, and an association with cognitive performance.



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