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Topic- Nutrition


Certain food combinations linked to increased dementia risk-7988

Certain food combinations linked to increased dementia risk

It's not just what foods you eat, but what foods you eat together that may be associated with the risk of dementia, according to a study published in the journal Neurology. ® "A number of studies have shown that eating a healthier diet - for example, a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, whole grains and fish - may lower a person's risk of dementia. Many of those studies focused on quantity and frequency of foods," said study author Cécilia Samieri, PhD, of the University of Bordeaux in France.



Age-specific dietary guidelines urged-7834

Age-specific dietary guidelines urged

In a study of close to 140,000 older Australians, researchers found strong evidence of links between certain food groups and memory loss and comorbid heart disease or diabetes. The findings point to a need for age-specific dietary guidelines, they say, and could serve as a heads-up to active-aging organizations and communities.



Stats: One egg a day won't harm heart health-7813

Stats: One egg a day won't harm heart health

Eggs are an affordable source of high-quality protein, iron and unsaturated fatty acids, but due to their cholesterol content, the association between egg intake and cardiovascular disease risk has been a topic of intense debate over the past decade. This latest study adds to evidence that moderate egg consumption - up to one egg per day - is not associated with increased risk, something industry professionals should be aware of.



Mediterranean diet boosts gut bacteria linked to healthy aging-7751

Mediterranean diet boosts gut bacteria linked to healthy aging

There's no question that the Mediterranean diet -which emphasizes building meals around plant-based foods including vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, beans and whole grains - has numerous health benefits. Studies have shown it can facilitate weight loss and help prevent heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and other health conditions. If these weren't enough reasons to prompt organizations to incorporate these foods into meal-planning, a new study has found a connection between one version of the diet, consumed over a year, and healthy aging.



What factors influence life plan resident wellness?-7699

What factors influence life plan resident wellness?

The Mather Institute, Evanston, Illinois, is in the midst of a five-year longitudinal study on aging well. The recently published second-year findings looks specifically at life plan community resident wellness, revealing associations between specific personality traits and healthy behaviors, as well as overall health. The 61-page report is filled with data and insights that can inform programming and motivational strategies to boost physical activity, social activity, healthy eating and spiritual engagement.



Vitamin D deficiency tied to poor muscle function in adults 60+-7538

Vitamin D deficiency tied to poor muscle function in adults 60+

A recent study from Trinity College Dublin shows that vitamin D deficiency is an important determinant of poor skeletal muscle function in adults ages 60 years and over. This does not mean that active-aging constituents should take vitamin D supplements because many will not be clinically deficient. However, it does underscore the importance of getting enough vitamin D from food/sunshine and the importance of resistance training in preserving not only bone health, but function.



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