What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Economics of aging


"Financial wellness" takes on new meaning after COVID-19

The term "financial wellness" has become a popular buzzword, and studies show that an individual's financial situation - and how they feel about it - can have a big impact on their overall wellness and mental health. In fact, a recent survey shows 77% of Americans agree "my financial health also affects my physical and mental health."


Economics of aging

Challenges face older adults during pandemic recovery-8058

Challenges face older adults during pandemic recovery

COVID-19 has placed a high-intensity spotlight on the deleterious effects of deep-seated ageism, sexism and racism on older Americans, suggests a study from the Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging at Washington University in St. Louis.


Economics of aging

AAA/hospital partnerships boost health, curb Medicare costs-7931

AAA/hospital partnerships boost health, curb Medicare costs

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) - which provide access to transportation, in-home support, and more to help older adults remain independent - are increasingly partnering with healthcare organizations to address the health-related social needs of older adults and contribute to coalitions that promote community health, according to the authors of a study published in Health Affairs.


Economics of aging

Europeans underestimate their life expectancy, may not plan properly-7895

Europeans underestimate their life expectancy, may not plan properly

Older Europeans, and especially women, frequently underestimate how many years they have left, which could lead to costly decisions related to planning for their remaining life course, according to researchers. The results are likely similar for North America, and have potential implications for active-aging organizations.


Economics of aging

Stats: $50 rise in out-of-pocket costs tied to lower neurologic meds use-7781

Stats: $50 rise in out-of-pocket costs tied to lower neurologic meds use

As out-of-pocket costs surge for drugs for the neurologic disorders Alzheimer's disease, peripheral neuropathy and Parkinson's disease, people are less likely to take the drugs as often as their doctors prescribe, a recent study reveals. Study author Brian C. Callaghan, MD, of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor commented, "Of course, if people do not follow their prescriptions correctly, they are less likely to benefit from the drug and see improvements in their condition, possibly leading to complications and higher costs later." Industry professionals need to be aware that not taking medications regularly can also trigger symptoms, potentially affecting an individual's ability to participate in programs or leading to disruptions in group activities


Economics of aging

Stats: 45% of workers nearing retirement worry about healthcare coverage-7737

Stats: 45% of workers nearing retirement worry about healthcare coverage

Many people in their 50s and early 60s worry about their health insurance status once they retire, according to a US national survey. Nearly half of respondents (45%) had low confidence in being able to afford health insurance during retirement, and 68% were concerned about potential changes to health insurance associated with changes in federal policies. Worse, Individuals with low confidence in
health insurance affordability were more likely to avoid medical care (13%) and avoid filling a prescription (12%) because of cost.


Economics of aging

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