What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Digital tech increases access to behavioral health solutions-9012

Tech Talk: Digital tech increases access to behavioral health solutions

Against a backdrop of what the American Medical Association (AMA) describes as a decades-long behavioral health crisis worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization partnered with Manatt Health Strategies and a group of healthcare experts to identify solutions through the adoption of digital technologies. Industry leaders should consider becoming familiar with these types of solutions, particularly in senior and assisted living.


Mental health

Future of infrastructure report reveals new trends-9011

Future of infrastructure report reveals new trends

A new economic reality calls for infrastructure reimagined: more digital, more sustainable, more equitable, according to a recent report from Deloitte Insights that asked global experts how infrastructure will change going forward. The findings have implications for all industries. Among the insights covered in detail:



Optimism curbs stressors, boosts emotional well-being in older men-9009

Optimism curbs stressors, boosts emotional well-being in older men

Growing evidence supports optimism as a health asset, yet how optimism influences well-being and health remains uncertain, researchers say. In a recent study, they looked at whether optimism serves as a buffer against stress or actually limits a person's exposure to daily stressors. They found that the latter is true: Optimistic older men tended to regulate their emotions in ways that allowed them to preserve emotional well-being by limiting their exposure to daily stresses or changing the way they perceived situations as being stressful - or not.



Aerobic exercise can help older adults retain their memories-9007

Aerobic exercise can help older adults retain their memories

Conducting a meta-analysis of 3,000 patients over 36 studies (vetted from more than 1,200 studies) enabled University of Pittsburgh psychologists to find that specific exercise helped episodic memory -- three times a week for four months, with greater improvements among those who ages 55 to 68. It's a message the industry can give to customers, staff, and families.



Loneliness widespread globally, across generations-9003

Loneliness widespread globally, across generations

Loneliness at a problematic level is widespread in many countries, according to a meta-analysis of evidence from 113 countries and territories during 2000-19 (prepandemic!). Active-aging industry leaders need to stay tuned to what some are now calling an epidemic of loneliness, and take steps to ensure inclusion among all constituents. The study authors note that loneliness not only affects mental health and wellbeing, it is also linked to a range of physical health problems and early death.



Stats: Hispanics 1.5 times more likely to get dementia than Whites-8999

Stats: Hispanics 1.5 times more likely to get dementia than Whites

In the United States, the Latino population is projected to have the steepest increase in Alzheimer's disease over the next 40 years, compared to other ethnic groups. Countries in Latin America and the global community of Latinos will also experience substantial increases in dementia in the near future.



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