What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Nature walking and health: An update on benefits to mind, body and spirit of time in nature by Shirley Archer, JD, MA-6554

Nature walking and health: An update on benefits to mind, body and spirit of time in nature by Shirley Archer, JD, MA

Have you felt awe at nature's beauty after watching a glowing, multicolored sunset? Or invigorated while inhaling the scent of the ocean, as you hear waves crash, feel cool mist against your skin and dig bare toes into sand? Or serene from listening to a stream gurgle and leaves rustle in a summer breeze? These are all examples of nature's power to capture attention, transform mood and offer peaceful perspective on our place in nature's vast scheme. Today, compelling and growing scientific evidence offers proof that we reap health benefits from time spent in nature.


Environmental wellness

'Continuous learning: The key to success by Kathie C. Garbe, PhD, MCHES-6553

'Continuous learning: The key to success by Kathie C. Garbe, PhD, MCHES

Remember being curious and excited about discovering how things work, where things are in the world, why things are the way they are, and what something means? We were all born with the desire to learn and grow. For 12-16+ years, we are educational sponges, absorbing information on many subjects and learning the skills to apply knowledge. After that, many of us become lifelong-learners and continue to hold on to that spark. Others of us become more complacent, settled, and need to light the spark that reignites love of learning. To enhance our professional lives, we must clear the cobwebs and engage our brains in ways that improve our knowledge and skills.


Career development

Enhancing health, wellness and community for older LGBT adults by Marilynn Larkin, MA-6549

Enhancing health, wellness and community for older LGBT adults by Marilynn Larkin, MA

About 2.4 million adults 65 and older currently identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) in the United States, and that population is expected to grow significantly in coming years, along with the entire older-adult population. Other nations will likewise see increased numbers of older LGBT adults as the Boomers age. While these individuals face the same issues as many others who are aging--social isolation, loneliness, housing affordability, and ageism--research shows they have additional concerns that can take a toll on health and wellness. Organizations dedicated to older-adult quality of life can support the vulnerable--and growing--LGBT aging population with inviting programs, supportive services and staff, and welcoming, safe places to live. Two recent initiatives that combine affordable housing with socialization and accessible services will help provide solutions.



A master class on the 85+ population by Colin Milner-6546

A master class on the 85+ population by Colin Milner

What do we really know about people who are 85 years of age and older? Statistically, we know that the "oldest-old" are the fastest-growing segment of the older population worldwide, and that this demographic is now 52 times larger in the United States than it was in 1900: 6.4 million in 2016 versus approximately 122,000 in 1900. The United States Census Bureau also predicts that this demographic cohort will more than double, to 14.6 million, in 2040. While the numbers can inform us, they can't help us understand the human side of the oldest-old. This lack of knowledge can hamper efforts to develop and market products and services that appeal to adults 85 and older. I asked John Leland, an award-winning journalist with the New York Times and author of Happiness Is a Choice You Make: Lessons from a Year Among the Oldest Old, to sit down with me and share wisdom from his book with Journal on Active Aging readers.



Maple Leaf Quest: How Kerby Centre used Active Aging Week to bookend a yearlong walking initiative-6513

Maple Leaf Quest: How Kerby Centre used Active Aging Week to bookend a yearlong walking initiative

Every year local hosts develop customized schedules of Active Aging Week activities that show remarkable creativity and produce positive life experiences. One hope expressed for the annual celebration of aging and living well is that older adults will try something that engages them meaningfully and encourages them ultimately to adopt a wellness practice or lifestyle. For hosts, the challenge can lie in translating interest in demonstrations and free activities into ongoing participation. One agency in Calgary, Canada, found an answer to this challenge in a wellness initiative bookended by consecutive Active Aging Weeks.


ICAA initiatives

Prevention in active aging by Mark Liponis, MD-6510

Prevention in active aging by Mark Liponis, MD

All too often, people feel they don't need to keep up with prevention after they reach a certain age, or once they've attained their "golden years." I've heard from many of my patients, "I don't need a colonoscopy any more," or "I made it to 75, so why do I need to watch my diet now?" There are some prevailing feelings that we might as well do what we do and let nature take its course once we've arrived at "retirement" age, or that "prevention" is something we do when we're younger to reach those later years. ... Of course, as active-aging professionals know, it's not just about the quantity of life, but also the quality. Who wants to spend their final 10 years unable to enjoy life, or being highly dependent on others? The best way that aging adults can assure a better quality of life is by taking an active role in prevention.



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