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Topic- Public policy


The ADA @ 24: an accessibility refresh by Jessica Madrigal, MS-4913

The ADA @ 24: an accessibility refresh by Jessica Madrigal, MS

July 2014 marks the 24th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in the United States. For organizations that serve the older-adult population as well as those targeting this market, it is a good idea to learn more about this law and what it now covers.


Public policy

America's healthcare reform spells out a role for ICAA members by James Huysman, PsyD, LCSW-4358

America's healthcare reform spells out a role for ICAA members by James Huysman, PsyD, LCSW

Since dedicating my professional life to advocating for older adults and their caregivers, I have repeatedly encountered the need for maintaining a healthy healthcare workforce, and the value of utilizing good communication skills within our teams and with those we serve. Today, a healthcare revolution is underway in the United States; it’s called the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As of January 1 next year, a wellness and prevention model more in line with 21st-century human healthcare concerns will be enacted. Wellness and prevention is a go-forward theory ....


Public policy

The longevity dividend: health as an investment by S. Jay Olshansky, PhD, John Beard, PhD, and Axel Borsch-Supan, PhD-4134

The longevity dividend: health as an investment by S. Jay Olshansky, PhD, John Beard, PhD, and Axel Borsch-Supan, PhD

The ageing of humanity is accelerating. While a small number of people is known to have lived to extreme old age throughout recorded history, it is only in the modern era that an unprecedented number is approaching old age with regularity. ... [W]hile the demographic changes we are experiencing will almost certainly present challenges, we contend that older people are a highly significant and often underutilized resource to their community and to society as a whole. The key to unlocking this resource is health.


Public policy

Increasing physical activity among adults with arthritis by Mary B. Waterman, MPH, and Patience H. White, MD, MA-1533

Increasing physical activity among adults with arthritis by Mary B. Waterman, MPH, and Patience H. White, MD, MA

Arthritis is a serious disease that can be disabling, but a diagnosis of arthritis does not mean that an active life is out of reach. Physical activity is a safe and effective tool for managing the disease. However, few adults with arthritis engage in physical activity. Becoming and staying active is extremely important for these individuals, making the role of the active-aging professional key in helping individuals with arthritis live well.


Public policy

FUTURAGE: Can North America learn from Europe's road map for aging research? by Marilynn Larkin, MA-1468

FUTURAGE: Can North America learn from Europe's road map for aging research? by Marilynn Larkin, MA

In October 2011, the European Commission launched the Road Map for European Ageing Research, the result of two years of collaborative efforts by the FUTURAGE project team. That team, under the leadership of Alan Walker, professor of social policy and social gerontology at the United Kingdom’s University of Sheffield, brought together 24 partners, 14 European countries, and more than 700 individual and organizational stakeholders. The resulting road map, according to FUTURAGE, “aims to tackle the grand challenge of Europe’s ageing population and provide the research agenda for ageing over the next 10 years.”


Public policy

The Media's Portrayal of Ageing by Colin Milner, Kay Van Norman, Jenifer Milner-1467

The Media's Portrayal of Ageing by Colin Milner, Kay Van Norman, Jenifer Milner

Has the media’s portrayal of ageing influenced society’s views and responses to population ageing? And if so, why? What messages do the mass media send to society about the later years of life?


Public policy

Total items: 37

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