What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

White papers

The business case for wellness programs in senior living-6332

The business case for wellness programs in senior living

Updated research and analysis join with commentary from industry experts to define the value of investing in a comprehensive wellness program. Returns on investment come from reputation, revenues, cost savings and resident satisfaction, plus a healthier resident population. Use the 11 points in the business case to develop the program and gain the priority and funding it deserves.

Executive Summary, The National Benchmarks Report, 2016-5857

Executive Summary, The National Benchmarks Report, 2016

Highlights of the second national report based on data in the ICAA/ProMatura Wellness Benchmarks are collected in this Executive Summary, which links participation in wellness lifestyles to customer satisfaction in senior living. The complete results that support these highlights are found in the National Report, which includes the opinions of over three thousand residents living in 99 communities.

ICAA Call to Action to prepare for the Decade of Healthy Aging, 2020-2030-5856

ICAA Call to Action to prepare for the Decade of Healthy Aging, 2020-2030

In a Call to Action to its 10,000 member and other professional organizations, ICAA is recommending a series of action steps for groups working with older adults to help make the 2020-2030 decade a success.

Framing the return on investment (ROI) in wellness staff-5855

Framing the return on investment (ROI) in wellness staff

The outcomes of a lifestyle/wellness program are determined by the competency of staff members and support from senior management. Wellness staff members impact satisfaction, revenue and social accountability, according to leaders at the ICAA Forum development meeting. Find lists of expectations for the wellness program and staff and methods to evaluate return on investment (ROI) in hiring, coaching and educating lifestyle/wellness staff. This report coordinates with the Career Path for Wellness Professionals white paper.

The future of technology for active aging-5854

The future of technology for active aging

Technology has a lot of potential to aid providers in senior living and community agencies. Discover the five key considerations for successful implementation of technology, along with recommendations for active-aging providers and for technology developers. A checklist for evaluating technology is a useful tool. Developed during the ICAA Forum think tank meeting.

Inspiring wellness across organizations-5853

Inspiring wellness across organizations

By reverse engineering the ideal scenario for wellness, Forum participants identified the factors that enable organizations to incorporate wellness across their values and operations. The rapid-fire visioning of the future when a wellness culture is firmly in place led to strategic areas and suggestions that could be implemented by many types of organizations dedicated to the philosophies of active aging and wellness.

Total items: 34

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