What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Wireless brain-computer interfaces on near horizon-8620

Tech Talk: Wireless brain-computer interfaces on near horizon

In an important step toward a fully implantable brain-computer interface (BCI) system, a collaborative team, BrainGate, of researchers from several universities demonstrated use of a wireless transmitter capable of delivering high-bandwidth neural signals. It's a window into the future of rehab and points to the almost limitless use of technology to improve function, regardless of physical challenges.



Physical activity curbs cognitive decline in early Parkinson's-8614

Physical activity curbs cognitive decline in early Parkinson's

Physical activity may slow cognitive decline in individuals with early Parkinson's disease who carry the APOE4 gene allele, making them more vulnerable to developing Alzheimer's disease.


Physical wellness

Non-drug therapies as good or better than drugs for depression in dementia-8613

Non-drug therapies as good or better than drugs for depression in dementia

Researchers have found that non-drug therapies, such as exercise, appear to be as - or more - effective than drugs for reducing symptoms of depression in people with dementia.


Emotional wellness

Pandemic transforms oral health care for older adults-8612

Pandemic transforms oral health care for older adults

The disruptions in facilities and communities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have created opportunities for positive long-term changes in the setting of oral health, according to a new publication from The Gerontological Society of America (GSA). Based on based on webinars developed by GSA's Oral Health Workgroup, the publication calls attention to trends with the potential to transform oral health care for residents and community members. Given the established connections between oral health and systemic health, the active-aging industry could consider giving greater emphasis to oral health and heeding the trends explored by GSA experts. Those trends include, among others described in the report:


Physical wellness

For health messages, focus on the positive-8611

For health messages, focus on the positive

People are more likely to understand and have more positive feelings toward health messages that focus on positive outcomes rather than negative ones, according to research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.


Health promotion

Stats: Hospital at home model grows 8-fold in under 6 months-8609

Stats: Hospital at home model grows 8-fold in under 6 months

Adoption of a hospital at home (HaH) care model surged eight-fold in less than six months with the availability of advanced remote monitoring and digital health solutions, according to a new report from consulting firm Frost & Sullivan hospital. The model, which has strong support from the US government, can extend hospital-grade care to a home setting for acute patients with conditions ranging from asthma and pneumonia to congestive heart failure.



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