What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Tech Talk: Smart speakers detect heart-rhythm problems-8517

Tech Talk: Smart speakers detect heart-rhythm problems

Researchers at the University of Washington, Seattle, have developed a new skill for smart speakers that for the first time monitors regular and irregular heartbeats without physical contact. The system sends inaudible sounds from the speaker out into a room and, based on the way the sounds are reflected back to the speaker, it can identify and monitor individual heartbeats.



Screen former/current smokers ages 50-80 for lung cancer: USPSTF-8516

Screen former/current smokers ages 50-80 for lung cancer: USPSTF

The US Preventive Services Task Force has updated its lung cancer screening recommendations to include all adults ages 50 to 80 who have a 20 pack-year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years. Organizations may consider alerting Individuals with these risks that it is now recommended that they should be screened for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography annually, and that screening can stop once a person has not smoked for 15 years or has a health problem that limits life expectancy or the ability to have lung surgery.


Health conditions

Racial/ethnic discrimination a barrier to dementia care-8515

Racial/ethnic discrimination a barrier to dementia care

Findings from two national surveys appearing in the Alzheimer's Association's "2021 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures" report reveal that discrimination is a barrier to Alzheimer's and dementia care. More than one-third of Blacks (36%), and nearly one-fifth of Hispanics (18%) and Asians (19%) in the US believe discrimination would be such a barrier. In addition, half or more of non-White caregivers say they have experienced discrimination when navigating healthcare settings for their care recipient. This is something to be aware of as diversity is becoming increasingly valued in all active aging/older adult settings.



Coming up: First UN global report on ageism-8513

Coming up: First UN global report on ageism


Through an interactive discussion, this online event will challenge how people think, feel and act towards age and aging. The event marks the launch of the first UN Global report on ageism, developed by the World Health Organization in partnership with other global entities. The report presents the latest evidence on a topic that has gained greater relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Health conditions

CPAP boosts physical activity for those with sleep apnea-8509

CPAP boosts physical activity for those with sleep apnea

Treating obstructive sleep apnea with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy increased self-reported physical activity in adults who also had a history of heart disease. CPAP therapy uses mild levels of air pressure, provided through a mask, to keep the throat open during sleep. Many people find it uncomfortable, though recent advances have been aimed at making the devices more wearable.



Stats: One in four women 65+ can't walk two blocks-8506

Stats: One in four women 65+ can't walk two blocks

One in four women over age 65 is unable to walk two blocks or climb a flight of stairs. Known as mobility disability, it is the leading type of incapacity in the US and a key contributor to a person's loss of independence. A recent study by UC San Diego researchers suggests that light-intensity physical activity, including shopping or a casual walk, may protect mobility in older women.


Physical wellness

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