What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Telehealth a key to disaster preparedness going forward-8505

Tech Talk: Telehealth a key to disaster preparedness going forward

ICAA's Journal on Active Aging has published several articles highlighting the importance of disaster preparedness for all organizations that work with older adults. The pandemic has upended some of the traditional advice and points to the emerging importance of technology preparedness - having the right infrastructure to ensure rapid communication among staff, residents and members, and families (see the special technology issue for more).



Depression linked to older subjective age-8503

Depression linked to older subjective age

Research has documented that subjective views of aging such as older subjective age and negative attitudes towards one's own aging are associated with negative health outcomes. A recent study estimating the relationship between subjective views on aging and physical, emotional and cognitive health, as well as specific diseases, found that the severity of affective health problems such as depression was the strongest risk factor for negative views.


Mental health

Health, wellness converging: a global cultural shift-8501

Health, wellness converging: a global cultural shift

This fascinating 54-page report describes 40 cultural shifts that are shaping the pandemic/post-pandemic world. It's worth reading for insights - culled from the expertise of more than 300 TBWA "cultural spotters" who leverage insights globally - that could directly and indirectly impact organizational planning and marketing going forward.


Culture Change

Strategies to boost care for dementia-related psychosis-8499

Strategies to boost care for dementia-related psychosis

A new white paper from The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) highlights the variety of challenges that persons with dementia-related psychosis and their caregivers have encountered during moves through different health care settings - and proposes strategies to address these challenges.


Market research

Eating some unhealthy foods may sabotage healthy diet, cognition-8495

Eating some unhealthy foods may sabotage healthy diet, cognition

The benefits - particularly with regard to slowing cognitive decline - of following the Mediterranean or other healthy diet are reduced if unhealthy foods are also eaten, researchers at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, report.



Stats: 30% growth in time spent on mobile among GenX/Boomers in 2020-8492

Stats: 30% growth in time spent on mobile among GenX/Boomers in 2020

This 55-page (pdf format) report is chock-full of interesting data and trends re: mobile and is well worth a read, especially by marketers. As noted in the headline, GenX/Boomers (interestingly, grouped together as a single category) spent 30% more time year-to-year in their most used apps, followed by millennials, who spent 18% more time, and Gen Z, who spent 16% more time.



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