What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Biogen, Apple to tackle cognitive impairment-8491

Tech Talk: Biogen, Apple to tackle cognitive impairment

Biotech company Biogen, in collaboration with Apple, will be launching a study to to identify digital biomarkers to help monitor cognitive performance and health, including potentially detecting mild cognitive impairment, an early indicator of certain forms of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease As readers are likely to know, cognitive health - the ability to think clearly, to learn and to remember - is an indicator of brain health and important to performing daily activities. This collaborative study is the beginning of a trend that is bound to increase going forward.


Cognitive health

WHO releases latest infection prevention, control guidance-8490

WHO releases latest infection prevention, control guidance

On January 8, 2021, the World Health Organization released an update to its March 8, 2020 guidance on infection prevention and control for long-term care facilities during the pandemic. ICAA CEO Colin Milner was among those who reviewed the guidelines prior to publication. All organizations with assisted living/dementia care communities and similar venues should be familiar with, and make every effort to implement, the latest guidelines, which include the following:


Market research

Looking ahead boosts wellbeing during COVID lockdowns-8488

Looking ahead boosts wellbeing during COVID lockdowns

Practicing gratitude and looking to the future can help safeguard mental wellbeing during Covid-19 lockdowns, a recent study reveals. The findings point to the direction organizations can take to help boost wellbeing during restrictions.



Sturdy, not flexible, shoes best for knee pain-8486

Sturdy, not flexible, shoes best for knee pain

A randomized controlled trial found that sturdy supportive shoes improve knee pain on walking and knee-related quality of life compared with flat flexible shoes. This evidence supports recommendations that previously had been based on expert opinion in the absence of data, and overturn the idea that flat flexible shoes that allow more of a "barefoot" experience may provide more benefit. Organizations can use this information to help constituents and staff who report knee pain, and for educational programming around footwear and foot conditions.



Food insecurity rising among US older adults-8484

Food insecurity rising among US older adults

Food insecurity-or limited access to nutritious foods because of a lack of financial resources-increased significantly among older US adults from 2007 to 2016 and the increase was more pronounced among individuals with lower income. The increase - from 5.5% to 12.4% - was reported in a recent study that drew from data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. The findings are important for all active-aging providers, but particularly those working in seniors centers and other community-based programs - and especially now, as COVID-19 is likely to have increased the number of low-income older adults.



Stats: 56% of assisted living providers may not make it due to COVID-8483

Stats: 56% of assisted living providers may not make it due to COVID

The American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) recently released a survey showing what NCAL executive director Scott Tittle referred to as "the gravity of the situation we are facing with this deadly virus and its impact on our vulnerable community." The organizations are calling on the US congress to provide more funding.



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