What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Inspired leadership: Transforming yourself and others with passion and purpose by Marilynn Larkin, MA-5774

Inspired leadership: Transforming yourself and others with passion and purpose by Marilynn Larkin, MA

Two years ago in the Journal on Active Aging, International Council on Active Aging founder and CEO Colin Milner made the case that “before wellness models can truly make a difference, those who work with older adults need to embrace change themselves.” ... To assist members on their journeys, ICAA invited Gregg Levoy and Maureen Hagan to present at the ICAA Conference 2016. These speakers set out to facilitate both personal and professional growth, motivating attendees to embark or advance on the path to passionate, purposeful leadership. To bring valuable information to all readers, the Journal recently interviewed Levoy and Hagan.


Career development

Framing the value of wellness staff-5770

Framing the value of wellness staff

Every day, which staff members interact with clients and residents of all functional abilities, in all types of living situations? The staff members who make those daily contacts are likely in the café or dining room, and in the wellness lifestyle areas: activities/engagement, fitness, recreation. The wellness workforce has the capacity to inspire and help so many. Doesn’t it make sense that they are critical to realizing the organization’s mission? The publication of the International Council on Active Aging’s Return on Investment (ROI) in Wellness Staff report spotlights the important role staffing has in developing and maintaining an effective wellness program.


Career development

Moving the bar: Active-aging innovators advance the industry-5732

Moving the bar: Active-aging innovators advance the industry

If "knowledge is power" and "information is king," what is innovation? From small adjustments that improve offerings, to "new ideas, methods or devices" that create new solutions, innovation is change. Innovators not only advance industries; they also sometimes transform them or create new ones. They may even transform the world around them. From brain health to nutrition to technology, the 2016 ICAA Innovators have created approaches to meet the needs of their communities, clients and colleagues and to leverage the opportunities available for everyone.


ICAA initiatives

"Are we there yet?" Measuring progress and success by Kelly A. Stranburg, MEd, CEP, CSCS

In my last Journal on Active Aging article, we reviewed the value of and potential strategies for communicating the message of culture change. Part of telling your story and communicating your culture-change journey is being able to identify goals, measure progress and celebrate achievements. But how do you even measure something as broad and challenging as the culture change of an organization? How do you know when you’ve reached the end of this journey? That you've succeeded? That you've achieved what you set out to do?


Culture Change

"Changing the Way We Age": The ICAA community shares stories of making a difference

Changing the Way We Age: It's the mission that unites the International Council on Active Aging and the ICAA community. As association members and supporters, you share positive messages of active aging every day through your programs, services and environments, as well as your marketing, staffing and advocacy. Your support changes people's views of aging, their behaviors and, ultimately, their lives. At ICAA, we are proud to lead a community that makes a difference. Working alone and together, you have accomplished a great deal in the 15 years since ICAA's launch. This issue of the Journal on Active Aging shares four stories and photos of changing the way we age in communities and organizations across North America.


ICAA initiatives

ICAA Champion: Introducing Bruce Brown-5727

ICAA Champion: Introducing Bruce Brown

Bruce Brown "is a living testament to the power and potential of the human spirit," says Atria Senior Living’s Gigi Mauter. Brown, who will turn 80 next year, moved to Atria's community in San Juan Capistrano, California, in 1994. A stroke five years earlier had left him completely paralyzed on the right side of his body and unable to speak or walk. He was 52 years old at the time. "Bruce's passion for life, even in the midst of great loss, is an inspiration to those struggling under the weight of life's blows and challenges," states Mauter.


ICAA initiatives

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