White papers

Inspiring wellness across organizations
By reverse engineering the ideal scenario for wellness, Forum participants identified the factors that enable organizations to incorporate wellness across their values and operations. The rapid-fire visioning of the future when a wellness culture is firmly in place led to strategic areas and suggestions that could be implemented by many types of organizations dedicated to the philosophies of active aging and wellness.

ICAA career path for wellness professionals
Based on industry input generated during work groups, focus groups and advisory panels, plus the results of several qualitative surveys, the career path is a high-level roadmap that includes a responsibility framework, progress along authority levels and the education and skills needed to travel along the path.

Strategies for bringing wellness to people with cognitive decline
This blueprint for action lists 14 strategies for culture, staffing, programming and physical environments aimed at providing the most positive experiences for people with mild-to-moderate dementias. Family members and colleagues are considered within the implementation tactics.

Discovering the connections between brain health and wellness
Where do active aging and wellness fit into the conversation surrounding the need to support people with cognitive decline and dementias? Is there an opportunity to support quality of life and perhaps mediate the changes in cognition through wellness interventions and opportunities? These are the questions delegates to the ICAA Forum addressed.

Strategies that create an environment for wellness
The purpose of the ICAA Forum 2014 was to develop actionable recommendations that many organizations can use to create and/or enhance the environments that are necessary to support wellness and quality of life for older adults, no matter what sector of the industry.

Key elements for developing a wellness program for older adults
Implementing a successful whole-person wellness program means taking into account the culture, mission, goals and resources of an organization. The seven key elements outlined by the Wellness Program Work Group are the solid framework on which to build a new program or renew a current offering for today's older adult. Definitions, strategies and operational tactics are covered, along with a sidebar on marketing the program.