What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Digital skills deemed

Tech Talk: Digital skills deemed "crucial" for fitness workforce

EuropeActive has released "Innovation and digitalisation in Europe," a document that offers an outline of the current EU strategy on digitalization and how it might impact the fitness and wellness sector. It's worth a read to learn what's ahead, since the implications are likely to be global.


Vocational wellness

Lifestyle improvements may curb cognitive decline-8397

Lifestyle improvements may curb cognitive decline

Many studies have shown that lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of dementia in the general population. "What this study adds is that with the right intervention, people experiencing cognitive decline may retain sufficient neuroplasticity for their brain to 'bounce back' from decline," said lead author Mitchell McMaster of The Australian National University. The findings are particularly important for management and staff at seniors centers and other community-based services.


Cognitive health

Physical touch vital for physical health-8394

Physical touch vital for physical health

Recent research has found that physical touch is associated with lower blood pressure, higher oxytocin levels, and better sleep, and that it also buffers stress. Now a study suggests that touch is also associated with a lower likelihood of inflammation, a key feature of many diseases. Of course, physical touch has been limited for many older adults during pandemic restrictions, and the authors offer some suggestions.


Physical wellness

Remote rehab may best in-person therapy post-stroke-8393

Remote rehab may best in-person therapy post-stroke

Stroke patients who undergo professional rehabilitation in their homes through live video consultations may recover their motor skills better than those who do their rehab in person with a therapist at an outpatient rehabilitation facility, according to a study from China. Remote rehabilitation may also promote greater brain connectivity, the researchers said.



Unapproved drugs in brain-boosting supplements can harm health-8390

Unapproved drugs in brain-boosting supplements can harm health

Supplements that claim to improve mental focus and memory may contain unapproved pharmaceuticals and in potentially dangerous combinations and doses, according to a recent study. These supplements are sometimes called "nootropics," "smart drugs" or "cognitive enhancers." Organizations can consider making this information available to constituents and including in educational programming.



Stats: 56% of adults ages 50-80 felt isolated from others in June-8388

Stats: 56% of adults ages 50-80 felt isolated from others in June

Not surprisingly, despite recent articles suggesting that older adults are resilient and weathering lockdowns and social distancing well, a recent poll found that more than half (56%) of people over age 50 said they sometimes or often felt isolated from others - more than double the 27% who reported feeling that way in a 2018 poll.


Emotional wellness

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