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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Medicare covers ICGM system for diabetes-8386

Tech Talk: Medicare covers ICGM system for diabetes

Medicare recently made Abbott's FreeStyle® Libre 2 continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system available to Medicare patients, and it looks like the trend may continue. The coverage expansion came the same week that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule this that would give breakthrough medical devices national Medicare coverage on the same day they receive Food and Drug Administration approval.



Hydroxychloroquine does not curb COVID-19 deaths-8385

Hydroxychloroquine does not curb COVID-19 deaths

A recent meta-analysis of published studies on the drug hydroxychloroquine shows that it does not lower mortality in COVID-19 patients, and using it combined with the antibiotic azithromycin is associated with a 27% increased mortality. The study is important because despite evidence to the contrary, many people continue to take the drug.


Health conditions

Common drugs linked to risk of cognitive decline-8383

Common drugs linked to risk of cognitive decline

Anticholinergics, a class of drugs used for many conditions, including allergies, colds, high blood pressure, depression, motion sickness, urinary incontinence and overactive bladder, are associated with an increased risk of developing mild thinking and memory problems, particularly in people who have genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease or markers of this condition, according to a new study.


Cognitive health

Pesco-Mediterranean diet plus fasting optimal for heart-8380

Pesco-Mediterranean diet plus fasting optimal for heart

A Pesco-Mediterranean diet rich in plants, nuts, whole grains, extra-virgin olive oil, and fish and/or seafood is ideal for optimizing cardiovascular health, according to a cumulative review published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Intermittent fasting is recommended as part of this diet. The study is important because it adds a new wrinkle - limiting daily intake of calories in a specific time window (usually between eight to 12 hours) each day - that may be of interest.



Can karate combat Parkinson's disease?-8379

Can karate combat Parkinson's disease?

A pilot study of 19 individuals with mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease shows that community-based karate classes may improve quality of life and wellbeing, and that more than half continued their karate practice six months after the trial ended. It's something to think about adding to physical activity programs. As the study authors note, karate combines aerobic and large movements, balance and core training and mindfulness.


Parkinson's disease

Stats: 83% of global executives value multigenerational workforce-8376

Stats: 83% of global executives value multigenerational workforce

A recent AARP survey of 5,598 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries shows that global employers are in a position to lead changes that support mutigenerational, inclusive workforces, and that 83% value such environments. However, the surveyed executives say they want information and resources to guide them in building and sustaining these workforces.



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