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Splash! Infusing the flavor of pilates into water exercise by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, CDE, RCEP, FACSM-5619

Splash! Infusing the flavor of pilates into water exercise by Mary E. Sanders, PhD, CDE, RCEP, FACSM

Joseph Pilates developed and taught a method of exercise that kept him physically robust until he died in his 80s. Pilates is practiced on land as a means to improve performance, to rehabilitate an injury and to achieve health and wellness. Researchers have defined the popular discipline as "a mind-body exercise that requires core stability, strength, and flexibility, with an attention to muscle control, posture, and breathing." ... With respect to my pilates colleagues, and in the spirit of cooperative learning, I'd like to take this opportunity to apply some of the discipline’s core concepts, so together, we develop an innovative, synergistic, "pilates inspired" experience in the pool.



Why better care of aging skin matters by Warren J. Winkelman, MD, MBA, PhD, FRCPC, FAAD; Staci Brandt, MBA, MSMR, PA-C; and S. Jay Olshansky, PhD-5618

Why better care of aging skin matters by Warren J. Winkelman, MD, MBA, PhD, FRCPC, FAAD; Staci Brandt, MBA, MSMR, PA-C; and S. Jay Olshansky, PhD

Our skin is the largest organ-an elastic and durable, yet soft and supple, covering known as the integumentary system. The skin serves as a bacterial shield, a thermal regulator and a window into our health. Thus, the level at which skin is restored, maintained and rejuvenated throughout the aging process may correlate to the longevity, health and happiness of the person enveloped within it.



The wellness workforce leads in job satisfaction by Patricia Ryan, MS-5615

The wellness workforce leads in job satisfaction by Patricia Ryan, MS

Why do you work at an organization serving older adults? Is it because you have a passion for the discipline or the people? Need a paycheck? And, while you are thinking about that, do you like your job? ... To understand how workers perceive their jobs, ICAA added questions on job satisfaction to the recent ICAA Salary & Benefits Survey, sponsored by Precor. It is the first time this type of information on the wellness workforce has been captured on a national level, across different organizations. Some of the results may surprise you.


ICAA initiatives

Creating harmony at the ICAA Conference 2015-5600

Creating harmony at the ICAA Conference 2015

Music wove around the International Council on Active Aging Conference 2015, as befitted ICAA’s temporary home in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city noted for its musical tradition. The music of voices calling welcomes and hellos formed a chorus that filled the registration area as attendees arrived for the preconference workshops, Marketing Symposium, and their choice of 61 conference sessions.


ICAA initiatives

ICAA Champion: introducing Dayna Stoddart-5598

ICAA Champion: introducing Dayna Stoddart

“Exercise is medicine has been my platform for many, many years,” says Dayna Stoddart, who spent 10 years as a licensed physical therapist in long-term care as well as other healthcare settings. Stoddart witnessed the impact of lifestyle on her patients’ health and quality of life. When her beloved grandmother went down the same path, she was profoundly affected. “It sparked my passion to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors and disease prevention strategies as we age,” she shares.


ICAA initiatives

Walking Bingo: A Peoples Health program motivates older adults to move-5595

Walking Bingo: A Peoples Health program motivates older adults to move

Creative ideas and approaches contribute to the success of Peoples Health as it strives “to provide high quality, cost-effective healthcare services” to its health plan members. "We also place a lot of emphasis on healthy, united communities," comments Director of Community Relations Leslie Louviere Keen. Walking Bingo is among the free programs the company offers to older adults who live in the community. Launched in March 2014, the program blends the classic game with physical activity to foster active play, motivating sedentary older adults to exercise.


Innovator awards

Total items: 1253

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