What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: $30Bn market for virtual, augmented, mixed reality by 2030-8353

Tech Talk: $30Bn market for virtual, augmented, mixed reality by 2030

Many active-aging organizations are familiar with virtual reality software aimed at older adults with memory problems and those who want to enjoy armchair travel or education. But there are many more applications of this technology, as well as augmented (blend of digital content and real-world experiences) and mixed reality. Indeed, the market for these technologies is exploding and is predicted to reach US$30 billion within a decade. What this means for the industry is that now is the time to become familiar with a wide swath of products that customers will likely be demanding going forward. Set up your infrastructures to handle the technologies, explore what's "out there" and what's coming, and gauge what might work best for your organizations, now and going forward.



How leaders can encourage protective behaviors to curb COVID-19 spread-8349

How leaders can encourage protective behaviors to curb COVID-19 spread

How can organization leaders encourage adherence with prevention strategies to curb COVID-19 spread, including mask wearing, social distancing and consistent handwashing? The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine have produced a highly informative report on behavior change, available for free in both interactive and pdf formats.



Personalizing care for diabetic older adults during the pandemic-8345

Personalizing care for diabetic older adults during the pandemic

A viewpoint article published in the peer-reviewed journal, JAMA Internal Medicine, succinctly addresses the challenges faced by older adults with diabetes (who are at highest risk of adverse outcomes from COVID-19) and provides strategies and practical tips for handling these challenges. The authors note that the disruption of normal routines plus social distancing have "greatly affected" these individuals and their ability to access and receive health care, obtain diabetes medications and supplies, and maintain a healthy lifestyle and social connections."



Music promotes brain health, mental well-being-8343

Music promotes brain health, mental well-being

Music is most likely part of every active-aging organization's programming because it clearly improves residents' and members' mood, engagement in physical activities such as dancing, and can reduce stress and anxiety. In this comprehensive report, the Global Council on Brain Health presents 10 evidence-based recommendations plus practical tips for incorporating music into older adults' lives to promote mental well-being, increase social connection, and stimulate thinking skills.


Mental health

Reimagining business in 2020 and beyond: McKinsey-8337

Reimagining business in 2020 and beyond: McKinsey

As part of its special edition of "The Next Normal," McKinsey has released a thought-provoking look at business, including the consumer sector, and healthcare, in 2020 and beyond. It's a short read (nine-page pdf) with comments from industry experts on how the COVID-19 pandemic is transforming all industries, and insights targeted to leaders.



Stats: 41% of Medicare beneficiaries now leaving home more often-8332

Stats: 41% of Medicare beneficiaries now leaving home more often

Despite the pandemic, 41% of 2,700 Medicare beneficiaries said in a new survey that they are leaving the house three or more times per week, compared to just 19% who said the same in April. Organizations should be aware of the trend, given that most constituents are at increased risk.



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