What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Pandemic management – room for improvement?-8309

Tech Talk: Pandemic management – room for improvement?

Of course, there's room for improvement in how we're managing the pandemic, especially in the areas of infection surveillance and control. How to meet public health requirements while safeguarding people's privacy isn't easy, however, as one article in the 82-page HIMSS Insights eBook, "COVID-19 and beyond," suggests. The Insights publication is a must-read for management, and for providers interested in the digital health space. Although it's aimed at healthcare systems, there is plenty of information relevant to senior living and other active-aging organizations that work with older adults (e.g., see the article "How healthy are health apps?").



Where you live may be key to longevity: Centenarian study-8303

Where you live may be key to longevity: Centenarian study

Where you live has a significant impact on the likelihood that you will reach centenarian age, suggests a study based on Washington State mortality data. The researchers found that Washingtonians who live in highly walkable, mixed-age communities may be more likely to live to their 100th birthday. Higher socioeconomic status was also a positive factor. While little can be done to change the latter, the other factors are modifiable, and the findings support the active-aging industry's emphasis on environmental and social wellness.


Environmental wellness

Older adults' faith is stronger because of pandemic-8299

Older adults' faith is stronger because of pandemic

Pew Research recently released a FactTank/News in the Numbers story on how the pandemic experience varies for people of different ages. Among the key findings: American ages 50-plus are more likely than those under age 50 to say their faith is stronger because of the pandemic. Specifically, 29% of those 65 and older reported their religious faith had become stronger, compared with 17% of those ages 18-29. Active-aging industry management and staff might consider exploring this spiritual wellness aspect in response to the pandemic.


Spiritual wellness

Creative Effectiveness Ladder toolkit for marketers launches-8297

Creative Effectiveness Ladder toolkit for marketers launches

Market research firm WARC and Lions Live, an initiative of Cannes Lion, have produced a revealing white paper on creative effectiveness and a toolkit for marketers who want to explore and implement the creative effectiveness ladder. It's not just for creatives in the film industry! The toolkit, white paper and explanatory video dive into strategies that can be adapted to any industry, with some tweaking. It includes in-depth advice on campaigns to change behavior and build brands, among others, built mainly around setting objectives, asking the right questions, and implementing appropriate tools to build sales, market share and return on investment. At the least, reviewing these materials is likely to open a window on new approaches and spark creative thinking.



Nevada aging network targets social isolation due to pandemic-8293

Nevada aging network targets social isolation due to pandemic

Speaking June 11, 2020 at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, Peter S. Reed, PhD, MPH, FGSA, director of the Sanford Center for Aging at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine told lawmakers about a new statewide coordinated aging services effort in his state. The initiative aims to enable older adults to stay home and stay safe during the pandemic while maintaining access to essentials of everyday life, health care, and social engagement. Called Nevada CAN, or the Nevada COVID-19 Aging Network Rapid Response, the effort is intended to identify and respond to older adult needs by targeting three priority focus areas: essentials of daily life such as food and medication; telehealth services; and social support. It's an initiative readers may want to explore in collaboration with appropriate organizations in their own states.


Social wellness

Stats: Only 32% of workplaces globally are age-neutral-8292

Stats: Only 32% of workplaces globally are age-neutral

A global survey of 15 countries around the world conducted during the early stages of the pandemic. identifies ways employers can support their employees to extend their working lives and financially prepare for retirement. A key way to do so, according to the survey report, is to "cultivate an age-friendly workplace that recognizes the value and contributions of workers of all ages." Although this might seem evident to active-aging industry leaders, anecdotal evidence suggests that even in the industry, younger staff may be valued more than older workers.


Vocational wellness

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