What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Soft exosuit helps stroke survivors walk faster, longer-8288

Tech Talk: Soft exosuit helps stroke survivors walk faster, longer

Recent technological advances promise benefits for stroke survivors, about 80% of whom experience "hemiparesis," a paralysis that typically impacts the limbs and facial muscles on one side of their bodies, often causing severe difficulties walking, a loss of balance with an increased risk of falling, as well as muscle fatigue that quickly sets in during exertions.



Physical activity curbs mortality risk from atherosclerosis-8285

Physical activity curbs mortality risk from atherosclerosis

"On a scale of 1 - 10, how much do you exercise (0-none, 10-always)." Adding this simple question when assessing older adults undergoing coronary artery calcium (CAC) scans to detect atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries) can help clinicians better understand and treat people. It's another reason for organizations to emphasize physical fitness and motivate their constituents to participate.


Cardiovascular health

Reimagining the post-pandemic return to work: McKinsey-8280

Reimagining the post-pandemic return to work: McKinsey

Management consulting firm McKinsey and Company recently published an article aimed at helping organization leaders bring their businesses back at a time when "economies are still reeling."


Vocational wellness

New blueprint addresses older adult malnutrition

New blueprint addresses older adult malnutrition "crisis"

With the COVID-19 pandemic potentially worsening the existing malnutrition crisis for older adults, advocates recently released an updated national blueprint with specific recommendations to address this important issue.



Negative thinking may boost Alzheimer's disease risk-8277

Negative thinking may boost Alzheimer's disease risk

Repetitive negative thinking is linked to subsequent cognitive decline as well as the deposition of harmful brain proteins linked to Alzheimer's disease, recent research suggests.


Mental health

Stats: Volunteering 100+ hours yearly tied to wellness benefits-8273

Stats: Volunteering 100+ hours yearly tied to wellness benefits

Numerous small studies and case reports have linked volunteering to health benefits for older adults. But researchers say existing evidence is insufficient to demonstrate the consistent and specific positive outcomes that are needed to develop public health interventions based on volunteerism. This large-scale study helps address this gap by evaluating and comparing the potential impact of volunteering on 34 physical health and psychological/social well-being outcomes.


Physical wellness

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