What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: Flexible electronics to boost health data monitoring-8272

Tech Talk: Flexible electronics to boost health data monitoring

Electronics are undergoing a transformation. Traditionally rigid, new technology has enabled them to become flexible and stretchable, facilitating their use in clothing and other products for monitoring an individual's health. According to a market research report from IDTechEx, the market size for flexible electronics in healthcare will exceed $8.3 billion by 2030. Readers should plan on accommodating customers who use these digital health products and consider providing some of them, when feasible.



Call for action on osteoarthritis-8267

Call for action on osteoarthritis

In its first osteoarthritis update since 2010, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the Arthritis Foundation and the Osteoarthritis Alliance, calls for more awareness and action to curb the high prevalence of the condition. Of interest to the active-aging community, the report contains actionable steps and resources, as well as specific references for its recommendations.



How fitness boosts memory in older adults with MCI-8264

How fitness boosts memory in older adults with MCI

Plenty of research has shown that exercise is linked to brain health, with some studies suggesting fitness may even improve memory. But what happens during exercise to trigger these benefits? A study from UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, that mapped brain changes after one year of aerobic workouts has uncovered a potentially critical process: Exercise boosts blood flow into two key regions of the brain associated with memory. Notably, the study showed this blood flow can help even older people with memory issues improve cognition, a finding that scientists say could guide future Alzheimer's disease research.



Spirituality linked to QoL for stroke survivors, caregivers-8261

Spirituality linked to QoL for stroke survivors, caregivers

Higher spirituality among stroke survivors was strongly linked to better quality of life for them and for their caregivers, who may feel depressed, researchers suggest. For the study, spirituality was defined by the World Health Organization (WHO): an individual's perception of life within the context of the culture and value systems of the society and in relation to the individual's goals, expectations, standards and concerns.


Spiritual wellness

Canadian new hires need more social, emotional skills-8255

Canadian new hires need more social, emotional skills

More and more, employers require new hires who possess not only specialized knowledge and technical skills, but also social and emotional or 'human' skills, according to a recent report from the Conference Board of Canada. Although aimed primarily at educational institutions and organizations that help prepare young people for the workforce, the research report also provides a good overview of these "in-demand" social and emotional skills (SES) that organizations might want to look for in their new hires and cultivate in existing employees.


Vocational wellness

Stats: 51% of older Australians see benefits from pandemic-8247

Stats: 51% of older Australians see benefits from pandemic

Australia's Global Centre for Modern Ageing embarked on a survey earlier in the pandemic to understand older adults' "evolving experience...as the crisis unfolds," with the aim of gauging how people are adapting to and navigating this challenging period. It's worth a read, if only to assess how members and residents of your communities are faring by comparison.


Social wellness

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