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Topic- Motivation


Looking below the surface: keys to promoting physical activity by Geoffrey Godbey, PhD, and Sarah Burnett-Wolle, LRT/CTRS-524

Looking below the surface: keys to promoting physical activity by Geoffrey Godbey, PhD, and Sarah Burnett-Wolle, LRT/CTRS

Almost everyone now knows that physical activity is good for you. From the standpoint of healthcare policy, this is a vital issue since healthcare costs skyrocket in later life. Yet very few people get enough physical activity each day. Mechanization and an economy based on information have stripped physical movement from paid work, housework and personal care. Consequently, most physical activity among adults ages 50 and older takes place during leisure time.



Offense, offense, offense: running the community wellness ball by Melissa Bossert, Sarah McCallin and Janelle Renda-503

Offense, offense, offense: running the community wellness ball by Melissa Bossert, Sarah McCallin and Janelle Renda

There are wonderful programs offered in our field to improve the well-being of our clientele. Yet a program isn’t successful unless people participate, and many communities struggle with this. What’s the perfect solution to pull people into your wellness program?



Build a loyal following for 50+ programming By Laura Warf-478

Build a loyal following for 50+ programming By Laura Warf

There are numerous ways to schedule fun and beneficial programs into your facility that will attract and retain the older adult. Due to all the media attention health and wellness are receiving, adults are shopping around for activities that will keep them healthy and mobile well into their later years. Try the following approaches to grow a successful 50+ program and build a loyal following of members.



Understanding the attitudes of older women toward exercise by Marlyn Black-460

Understanding the attitudes of older women toward exercise by Marlyn Black

In late 1998 I began training an 87-year-old lady named Jeri. She and her daughter decided that Jeri needed to start weight training. So the journey began. Jeri was a joy to work with. She was always ready to try a new exercise and she amazed the guys in the gym when she proudly displayed her “guns” for their approval. She would declare, “Oh, isn’t that grand, I can really feel that muscle working!” We continued to exercise together until she went blind at 93.



The challenge of change by Terry Ferebee Eckmann, PhD-442

The challenge of change by Terry Ferebee Eckmann, PhD

In this world, change is inevitable and happens at incredible speed. It’s the process of making something or somebody different; it’s what happens when something is replaced, exchanged or substituted. Essentially, change is an alteration or modification.

Twenty years ago, when I started to work with older adults, I researched programs for this age group in countries around the world. The majority of people working with this population emphasized that older adults do not like change. Observing the process of change and older adults, I have found that the stereotype seems not to hold true: Attitudes about change vary greatly among these individuals. Response to change varies, too.



Champions of potential: life coaching for older adults by Lorna Francis, PhD, and Jenifer Milner-413

Champions of potential: life coaching for older adults by Lorna Francis, PhD, and Jenifer Milner

Life coaching emerged as a profession out of the turbulent 1990s workplace. Individuals stressed by corporate life, transitions, downsizing and outplacing (in which executives were eased out and provided help in finding new work) began seeking help to overcome challenges and improve performance. They found this support in personal coaches.



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