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Topic- Weight management


Who pays attention to nutrition labels?-2110

Who pays attention to nutrition labels?


Weight management

Prevent weight gain with exercise-2109

Prevent weight gain with exercise


Weight management

At older ages, extra weight increases lifespan-2034

At older ages, extra weight increases lifespan


Weight management

Even small amounts of weight loss help hearts-2004

Even small amounts of weight loss help hearts

The health consequences of overweight and obesity are serious, points out the World Health Organization. A high body mass index (weight divided by height, squared) is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, angina [chest pain and discomfort], stroke, high blood pressure, heart failure), diabetes, osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders, and some cancers.


Weight management

Waist and hip size matter most for older adults-1935

Waist and hip size matter most for older adults

Body mass index (BMI) is a calculation that is widely used to estimate percent of body fat. BMI is calculated by dividing weight by height squared, then multiplying by 703 (pounds and inches). For kilograms/meters, the multiplier is 24.98.


Weight management

Short term, diet may not aid cognition-1922

Short term, diet may not aid cognition


Weight management

Total items: 38

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