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Topic- Attitudes & perceptions


Tech Talk: Global insights on use of the internet, mobile, social media, more-7779

Tech Talk: Global insights on use of the internet, mobile, social media, more

Social media giant Hootsuite has produced a detailed global report and companion global yearbook that provide hundreds of pages of data and insights on the state of the internet, mobile devices, social media and ecommerce, as well as snapshots of digital engagement in more than 220 countries and territories around the world.


Attitudes & perceptions

Stats: After age 47, life gets brighter-7685

Stats: After age 47, life gets brighter

Economist David Blanchflower, PhD, of Dartmouth University, Hanover, New Hampshire has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles on happiness, wellbeing and life satisfaction, typically combining economics with areas of psychology and sociology. His most recent work, published by the US National Bureau of Economic Research, documents a U-shaped curve of happiness over the lifespan that is relevant globally, reaching a nadir at age 48 in developed countries and 47 in less-developed countries. To define the curve, Blanchflower used various measure of well-being - in particular, happiness and life satisfaction - as well as other measures such as an individual's life experience, living standards, and where they live.


Attitudes & perceptions

What's ahead for the longevity economy?-7659

What's ahead for the longevity economy?

AARP has released a compelling report that not only details the overall economic and societal contributions of the 50+ population, but also points to market opportunities in various sectors. Industry leaders may want to become familiar with the perspective and the data in the report, which can be used in relevant presentations, promotions and strategic planning.


Attitudes & perceptions

Marketers: Are you

Marketers: Are you "stumped" by social media?

Global market research company WARC explores recent research suggesting that marketers are unable to show how the use of social media benefits their businesses. WARC notes that a recent Forrester report (not available online) covered in the marketing news publication "Campaign" states "social media stumps marketers. First, they had unrealistic expectations of social media, hoping it would be the key to unlocking massive profits in the digital age. When that didn't pan out, they shifted 180 degrees to believing that social media's only use was for advertising. Although it's true that Facebook's primary business value is as an advertising platform, it's a mistake to infer that advertising is social media's sole opportunity."


Attitudes & perceptions

Tech Talk: 82-year-old app creator is start-up winner-7603

Tech Talk: 82-year-old app creator is start-up winner

Han van Doorn has secured funding to continue to build his venture, the "Are you OK today" app. The 82-year-old Dutchman received a check for EUR 10,000 as winner of Start-up Plus, an online learning/coaching program for entrepreneurs over 50 supported by Aegon, a multinational asset management company that also runs the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement. The initiative is one of several that highlight recent research showing that "the highest success rates in entrepreneurship come from founders in middle age and beyond." Start-up Plus is also supported by the Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing.


Attitudes & perceptions

Aging is a risk factor, not a disease, geroscientists say-7596

Aging is a risk factor, not a disease, geroscientists say

Human life expectancy worldwide rose dramatically over the past century, but people's health spans - the period of life spent free from chronic, age-related disease or disability - have not increased accordingly. An introduction and six articles in the latest issue of Public Policy and Aging Report explore this phenomenon, and reading them may change your thinking about aging and its impact.


Attitudes & perceptions

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