What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Tech Talk: New wearable could retrain the brain after stroke-10516

Tech Talk: New wearable could retrain the brain after stroke

Stroke survivors often experience uncontrollable spasms that can twist their arms and hands into fists. The only treatments are expensive, often painful injections of botulinum toxin or oral medications that can be sedating. Both offer only temporary relief. But help may be on the way.



Physical activity, inflammation tied to age-related skeletal changes-10506

Physical activity, inflammation tied to age-related skeletal changes

New research indicates that some age-related changes in gene and protein expression in the skeletal muscles of older individuals may be affected more by physical inactivity and chronic inflammation than aging alone. This intriguing finding means some aspects of aging may be changeable, or soon will be.


Physical activity

Does trying to look younger curb ageism?-10500

Does trying to look younger curb ageism?

Every year, millions of older Americans, including active-aging residents and members, spend money and time trying to look younger than they are -- coloring graying hair, buying anti-balding products, using teeth whiteners and wrinkle fillers, and more.



Walking, reminiscing boost brain health in older Black adults-10492

Walking, reminiscing boost brain health in older Black adults

An Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) research program that enlists older Black adults to walk through and reminisce about historically Black neighborhoods in Portland -- which now look very different after rapid change through gentrification -- may help improve cognitive function, a new study finds. The findings may have particular relevance for seniors centers, area agencies on aging and other community-based settings.



Three pillars of psychological safety at work revealed-10482

Three pillars of psychological safety at work revealed

Making sure that employees feel like they can speak their minds, take risks, and be themselves without fear of being judged is part of building a strong company culture and a psychologically safe workplace. The guidance given here could be relevant for all active-aging settings.


Workplace wellness

Stats: Only 15% of adults get palliative care at home in last year of life-10474

Stats: Only 15% of adults get palliative care at home in last year of life

Starting palliative care in the months before death is linked to a more positive end-of-life experience, including improved quality of life, less anxiety, better pain and symptom management, and potentially less aggressive care at the end of life. However, Canadian estimates indicate that only 15% of people receive palliative care at home in the last year of life. It's an issue active-aging professionals should be aware of.


Advance care planning

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