What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Inverness Village promotes living

Inverness Village promotes living "stronger" with Blue Zones campaign

Building on existing efforts to support whole-person wellness, Inverness Village launched a semester-long campaign in 2014 based on Dan Buettner’s bestseller "The Blue Zones," a book that describes the shared traits of populations in five long-lived areas of the world. The semester was the community’s most influential to date, observes Director of Wellness Jana Headrick.


Innovator awards

Moving beyond the status quo: highlights of the ICAA Conference 2014-5259

Moving beyond the status quo: highlights of the ICAA Conference 2014

The International Council on Active Aging unites and connects a community of like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to older-adult quality of life, and nowhere is this community more powerfully demonstrated than at the association’s annual conference. Opportunities to learn with and from their peers brought 650 individuals to ICAA's 12th annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, last November.


ICAA initiatives

Donald Ardell puts wellness in perspective by Colin Milner-5258

Donald Ardell puts wellness in perspective by Colin Milner

The modern wellness movement owes its start to a small group of key individuals. Donald Ardell, PhD, is one of these select few. In 1977, Rodale Press published Ardell's landmark book, "High Level Wellness: An Alternative to Doctors, Drugs, and Disease", which helped to activate the wellness movement that exists today. In the nearly 40 years since, the wellness leader, author and activist has extensively promoted “the wellness perspective” in his lectures and his works. So what does Ardell think about wellness today?



Active Aging Week 2014 hosted many adventures-5256

Active Aging Week 2014 hosted many adventures

The theme for Active Aging Week 2014, "Let the adventure begin," proved to be a kick-starter for the resourceful hosts and engaged older adults who joined in the weeklong observance. Held each year during the last week of September, Active Aging Week helps spread the message that adults ages 50 and older are fully participating members of society, while promoting the benefits of leading an active, healthier lifestyle. And spread the message they did.


Health promotion

How to tell if job candidates have what it takes - especially

How to tell if job candidates have what it takes - especially "soft skills" - to work with older adults by Marilynn Larkin, MA

The evolution of the wellness profession extends to the skills organizations are looking for in new hires. Loosely defined by our interviewees as "people skills" or "communication skills," soft skills must go beyond the ability to relate well to older adults. Today, these skills need to extend to working with colleagues and senior management - and they apply to people who apply for "wellness" positions and, in organizations that embrace a wellness culture, to any candidate, regardless of title or level.



ICAA recaps the year: a 2014 review of activities and accomplishments-4998

ICAA recaps the year: a 2014 review of activities and accomplishments

Individuals and organizations that support quality of life for older adults often think of the future, looking forward to what might be launched or enhanced or discovered. Future vision is critical, but so is stopping to see the progress already made. As 2014 draws to a close, the staff at the International Council on Active Aging have looked back to recap a year in which ICAA implemented strategies, expanded educational resources and anchored the industry with research.


ICAA initiatives

Total items: 1253

icaa 100 members