What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.


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The Journal on Active Aging brings articles of value to professionals dedicated to older-adult quality of life. Content sweeps across the active-aging landscape to focus on education and practice. Find articles of interest by searching the article archives in three ways: Enter a keyword in the articles search bar; click on search by topic; or type a keyword or phrase in the general search bar at the top of the page.

Survey reveals perspectives on life from America's older adults-4968

Survey reveals perspectives on life from America's older adults

Are older adults taking charge of their health? Do they feel adequately supported in their communities? And what is their outlook on life? Focused on illuminating the attitudes of adults ages 60 and older, an annual survey examines issues--and finds reasons to cheer.


Market research

ICAA Champions: introducing Parc Communities-4966

ICAA Champions: introducing Parc Communities

Georgia-based Parc Communities “believes in changing the stereotype of what it is like to get older,” says Senior Wellness Director Angela Butler-Hackett.


ICAA initiatives

Age-Tastic! New board game engages older adults in health and wellness education by Marilynn Larkin, MA-4964

Age-Tastic! New board game engages older adults in health and wellness education by Marilynn Larkin, MA

“Serious” games--defined as “games that do not have entertainment, enjoyment or fun as their primary purpose”--have been getting serious consideration over the past decade. Many serious games take advantage of computer technology and the Internet. But innovators at the New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) took “a tried-and-true approach” to engaging and educating older adults: They created a board game.


Health promotion

Management services: when and how to find a partner by Colin Milner-4963

Management services: when and how to find a partner by Colin Milner

Whether focused on wellness, dining or therapy services, programming or settings, organizations that serve the older adult are elevating their appeal to maximize their bricks and mortar investment. An analysis can help you decide if you need a new course to navigate industry change--and whether to go it alone or bring in outside help. Here’s how to find the perfect fit if you seek a partner.



Fourteen reasons to report wellness outcomes by Patricia Ryan, MS-4961

Fourteen reasons to report wellness outcomes by Patricia Ryan, MS

"It's not possible to measure wellness! How do you plan to do that?" That was the response of the CEO of a senior living community when the wellness director proposed to expand the wellness program around the dimensions of wellness, then support the value of the new program by tracking and benchmarking results. It's a good question.



Creating ads with impact by Colin Milner-4960

Creating ads with impact by Colin Milner

When was the last time an advertisement so compelled you that you read or watched it to the very end, then picked up your phone or went online to learn more? If you remember such a moment, the marketers did their job well. Ads that leave a lasting impression build brands and "buzz." So why is it that most marketers fail to achieve these results with the older consumer?



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