What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

Scientific research

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

How much seniors housing will be needed going forward?-7719

How much seniors housing will be needed going forward?

NIC has uncovered some complex interactions between occupancy and rent growth in assisted living property markets, with implications for evaluating the attractiveness of a market for seniors housing investment or development. Its latest report investigates a four-year window - from 3Q 2015 through 3Q 2019 - in 31 primary markets, both in aggregate and individually. It delves deeply into factors affecting both strong performance and deceleration and provides useful insights for organizations considering expanding, consolidating, merging, etc. The freely available white paper highlights key trends.



Social mobility linked to life expectancy-7709

Social mobility linked to life expectancy

A first-of-its-kind study found that social mobility - the ability of individuals to exceed the socioeconomic status of their parents - may play an important role in explaining why gaps in life expectancy between rich and poor people in the US are larger in some places than in others. The findings have policy and potential programmatic implications for the industry.


Economics of aging

Hand sanitizers often used improperly-7700

Hand sanitizers often used improperly

The coronavirus is on everyone's mind right now, and there are few proven preventive strategies. The first of several recommendations from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is: "Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available."


Physical wellness

What factors influence life plan resident wellness?-7691

What factors influence life plan resident wellness?

The Mather Institute, Evanston, Illinois, is in the midst of a five-year longitudinal study on aging well. The recently published second-year findings looks specifically at life plan community resident wellness, revealing associations between specific personality traits and healthy behaviors, as well as overall health. The 61-page report is filled with data and insights that can inform programming and motivational strategies to boost physical activity, social activity, healthy eating and spiritual engagement.


Health promotion

Stats: After age 47, life gets brighter-7683

Stats: After age 47, life gets brighter

Economist David Blanchflower, PhD, of Dartmouth University, Hanover, New Hampshire has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles on happiness, wellbeing and life satisfaction, typically combining economics with areas of psychology and sociology. His most recent work, published by the US National Bureau of Economic Research, documents a U-shaped curve of happiness over the lifespan that is relevant globally, reaching a nadir at age 48 in developed countries and 47 in less-developed countries. To define the curve, Blanchflower used various measure of well-being - in particular, happiness and life satisfaction - as well as other measures such as an individual's life experience, living standards, and where they live.


Emotional wellness

Tech Talk: Digital health tech products unveiled at CES 2020-7674

Tech Talk: Digital health tech products unveiled at CES 2020

MobiHealthNews, one of my favorite sources for tech events and innovations, offered a peek at health tech devices and software featured at CES 2020 (January 7-10 in Las Vegas). A number of the featured products are relevant to active-aging communities and centers, and some may even appear in ICAA's Journal on Active Aging's upcoming technology issue.



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