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Topic- Physical wellness


Introducing disc golf for older adults by Don Dillon-943

Introducing disc golf for older adults by Don Dillon

Remember the popular game of Frisbee, which involved players throwing a plastic disc to each other? In the 1970s that sport was expanded into disc golf, an activity that may be the fastest-growing sport in the United States—perhaps the world—according to the Professional Disc Golf Association. Yet the benefits of disc golf for encouraging better health and wellness in older adults appear largely unknown to organizations such as retirement communities and seniors centers.


Physical wellness

Sleep and the older adult by Diana M. Taibi, PhD, RN-664

Sleep and the older adult by Diana M. Taibi, PhD, RN

Sleep disturbances are among the most common difficulties experienced by older persons. Over half of older adults in the United States experience insomnia symptoms several nights a week (National Sleep Foundation, 2002; Ohayon, Carskadon, Guilleminault & Vitiello, 2004). Compared to younger adults, older adults tend to:

· take longer to fall asleep,
· wake up more frequently at night,
· spend more time awake during the night,
· get less total sleep, and
· feel unrefreshed after sleeping.

Older adults may not report difficulty sleeping because they believe it is a normal part of aging, although current evidence supports that both younger and older adults need 7-9 hours of sleep.


Physical wellness

Follow the trail for fun and fitness by Renee Harlow-650

Follow the trail for fun and fitness by Renee Harlow

The Country Meadows Retirement Communities Fitness Walking Trail is a directed walking path that leads participants through a variety of stations. Each station features an exercise or activity that targets:
· balance
· reaction time
· visual cues/following direction
· range of motion
· fine and gross motor skills
· strength and endurance


Physical wellness

Outdoor exercise and air quality by Patricia Ryan, MS-644

Outdoor exercise and air quality by Patricia Ryan, MS

When you listen to the nightly news or read the newspaper, you are likely to hear a short announcement of the air quality index. This number may be followed by a caution for people who are sensitive to air quality.


Physical wellness

Strength conditioning for walkers by Wayne Westcott, PhD-641

Strength conditioning for walkers by Wayne Westcott, PhD

The latest research on physical activity among Americans published in January by the National Cancer Institute, National Institute for Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is almost beyond belief (Troiano et. al., 2008). Assessments of nearly 5,000 people by means of activity accelerometers revealed that only 3.5% of men and women between the ages of 20 and 60 obtain 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week. For those over age 60, the percentage of minimally active adults fell to 2.4%.


Physical wellness

Plan exercise for people with diabetes-630

Plan exercise for people with diabetes

Physical activity is one of the top recommendations for people at risk of diabetes or who already have diabetes, along with healthy eating habits, weight loss and, when appropriate, medications. Since November is Diabetes Awareness Month, it’s a good time to remind participants that exercise can help them manage their health.


Physical wellness

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