What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Topic- Technology


Tech Talk: Fitbit for the face turns mask into monitor-8995

Tech Talk: Fitbit for the face turns mask into monitor

Northwestern University engineers have developed a new smart sensor platform for face masks that they are calling a "Fitbit for the face." Dubbed "FaceBit," the lightweight, quarter-sized sensor uses a tiny magnet to attach to any N95, cloth or surgical face mask.



Tech Talk: Telecare tied to medication adherence in the homebound-8809

Tech Talk: Telecare tied to medication adherence in the homebound

A three-month pilot randomized clinical trial of homebound older adults in Hong Kong found that participants in the telecare versus the control group had better medication and adherence and quality of life.



Tech Talk: Future of tech in the fitness industry-8753

Tech Talk: Future of tech in the fitness industry

Club Industry has released a compilation of articles on the now and future state of technology in the fitness industry. It's definitely worth a read by all active-aging industry professionals who want to stay abreast of current trends and prepare for what's ahead. Although geared to fitness clubs and companies, many of the trends and strategies are relevant for senior living and, possibly seniors centers, as well.



Tech Talk: Digital tech supports employees' mental health, resilience-8724

Tech Talk: Digital tech supports employees' mental health, resilience

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, some 42% of employees globally have reported a decline in mental health, according to new data from McKinsey. However, addressing employee well-being pays off. A meta-analysis showed that for every dollar companies spent on wellness programs, their healthcare costs fell by approximately $3.27 and their absenteeism costs by about $2.73, the report notes.



Tech Talk: Making the most of mental health apps-8678

Tech Talk: Making the most of mental health apps

Mental health has been a hot topic throughout the pandemic, affecting all demographics. Can mental health apps help? Yes and no, and not surprisingly, it depends on the app and the person using it. The key is choosing and adopting the best possible technology.



"Connected" homes increasingly crowded, overwhelming

Deloitte's Connectivity and Mobile Trends 2021 Survey reveals that US households keep adding more connected devices, something that quickly became overwhelming. In fact, according to Deloitte, the pandemic was "a giant beta test of behaviors" that broke down barriers, removed distance, and prioritized health and wellness.



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