What's new: Unlocking the future: Closing the gap between consumer expectations and community offerings in senior living report.

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Access and utilize the ICAA library of scientific studies, reports and statistics to assist you with the development of your business case for wellness, program and community design and development, evidence-informed lifestyle choices and marketing strategies and approaches.

Time, space and attitude impact collaborative workspaces-7561

Time, space and attitude impact collaborative workspaces

A new report from global research company Leading Edge Forum in London, UK, investigated a range of digital and hybrid working environments to determine how they influence issues of trust, communication and culture. This is important as active-aging organizations are moving to construct new headquarters and other work spaces using varying types of collaborative environments. The report, entitled "Reconfiguring the collaborative workspace: making the most of time, space and attitude," is based on 50 hours of interviews with people working in a wide range of environments at different organization levels.


Environmental wellness

Carry naloxone to help with opioid overdose: FDA-7557

Carry naloxone to help with opioid overdose: FDA

The US Food and Drug Administration released a consumer update, underscoring its stance that anyone can save a life during an opioid overdose by giving naloxone, a drug that can be sprayed into the nose or injected. Organizations should have the drug on hand, since an overdose can occur even inadvertently with prescription medication. Examples of opioids include oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, heroin and fentanyl.


Physical wellness

Back pain recovery expectations linked to actual outcomes-7553

Back pain recovery expectations linked to actual outcomes

An individual's expectations for recovery from back pain are related to their likelihood of returning to work and may affect other outcomes as well, a Cochrane Review revealed. This is important because organization staff can help promote positive expectations, regardless of a constituent's age or functional status.


Health conditions

Supervisor support in customer conflicts curbs staff turnover-7549

Supervisor support in customer conflicts curbs staff turnover

How supervisors manage customer conflict helps determine how long workers stay on the job, according to a University of British Columbia (UBC) study. The findings are relevant to active-aging organizations, where conflicts are known to develop between constituents and all levels of service providers.


Employee wellness

Stats: 20% of LGBTQ older adults in SF fear senior services-7545

Stats: 20% of LGBTQ older adults in SF fear senior services

One in five LGBTQ older adults in San Francisco don't use aging services because they feel unsafe or unwelcome, according to a recently released report, "Accessing Aging Services Needs Assessment of LGBTQ Senior Health in San Francisco." Other barriers include mobility limitations (nearly 50%) and difficulty accessing transportation (25%). It's likely that results would be similar or more pronounced in cities or regions that are less tolerant of gender differences, and active-aging organizations should be aware that these potential clients and customers are in need but may not easily walk through the door.



Tech Talk: Safety concerns raised for consumer mobile health apps-7540

Tech Talk: Safety concerns raised for consumer mobile health apps

A recent literature review of 80 consumer health app safety studies details a formidable list of shortcomings. While these apps may motivate users to engage in healthful activities, active-aging leaders should be aware of the limitations of these technologies, and alert users to safety issues associated with them.



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